September 15, 2014: Say What?

posted in: Bears | 2

As we prepared for game night, I didn’t even bother putting my son’s jersey on.  With a 7:20 PM start time, I knew he wouldn’t make it through the entire game; little did I know, I wouldn’t either.  I also didn’t go with the jersey for tonight’s game, and just opted for a long sleeve Bears shirt.  As the game started, it went pretty much according to script… or at least the one everyone believed in.  About halfway through the 2nd quarter, down 10-0,  I took my son to his bed to read him some books before he fell asleep.  I figured I’d miss the rest of the 2nd quarter & halftime, and be back for the 2nd half.  As my son dozed off, so did I…

At 10:13 PM, I got a text from my brother: “U watchin?”  As I came to and staggered to the TV, I figured they were getting killed.  I had to do a double take when I looked at the score and saw Bears 21 49ers 20.  WTF?!!!  As I watched the rest of the game, and saw the Bears seal the deal, I just couldn’t believe it.  I couldn’t believe they won this game.  I couldn’t believe I missed most of it.  Wow!

No victories in San Francisco since 1985.  3-140-1 was the Bears record when trailing by 16 or more points on the road.  We didn’t really believe they would win in the first place, let alone being down 17 points.  Who really believed a 28-20 victory would be the outcome of this one after watching how this game started?  How did it start?

The Bears looked like they shouldn’t have even made the trip.  With a horrible start on offense, helped by a special teams blocked punt miscue, the Bears went down 7-0 immediately.  Yeah, I saw a block in the back the play before SF scored their TD, which was scored on a clear delay of game; I was already complaining about the officials.  We got it bad enough without being screwed by the refs.  I didn’t see ANY offense before I fell asleep.  I didn’t see much of anything.

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I got a kick out of Willie Young reeling in his catch after 2 sacks of Kaepernick.  I also saw Briggs making some nice plays, while catching the highlight of Allen smacking the SF QB.  What a difference a week makes.  Wow, what a play by Fuller on that 1st pick; just saw that highlight again.  So the defense came to play tonight?  Again, it didn’t look so good for starters, but they persevered.  The whole team did.  The plans for the Super Bowl that got cancelled last week… yeah, they’re back on.  Buckle up people, it’s going to be that kind of year.

Well maybe Buffalo isn’t that bad.  They moved to 2-0 this week, and dare I say, could be a surprise team this year.  And maybe the Bears aren’t that bad either.  From one week to the next, they went from chumps to champs.  Nobody personifies this flip in the script more than Jay Cutler.  I felt the hate for Cutler creeping back up after last week, then he does this.  His performance is probably the most surprising.  4 TDs and 0 turnovers on the road against a good team in primetime.  I would have never thunk it.  Which Cutler will show up next week?  Which Bears team will show up next week?

We don’t have to worry about that… at least for tonight.  Let’s soak this one in.  Let’s enjoy this one tomorrow as the work week begins, while we all talk about how we can’t believe what just happened.  Let’s dream again, at least for one week.  The Bears have picked themselves off the ground.  They made us all proud.  They are back… at least for one week.  Bear Down!

2 Responses

  1. bullwinkle

    yeah, but cutler needs to be more ‘into’ the game. repeated shots of him sitting back on the bench while the ‘d’ was on the field doesn’t smack of a ‘leader’. not that he needs to be up and cheerleading the entire nite, but he should at least be interested in what’s going on and actually watching the game while he’s not actually playing…….

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