September 11, 2016: The One Week Verdict

posted in: Bears | 2

Bears Suck!  That would be the verdict after the first real game of the season was played on Sunday.  We might as well chalk this season up as a failure… bury this team.  Looked horrible in preseason, and now this!  How could we lose the first game of the season?  This is madness!

Similar to the overreaction during the preseason, the NFL is known for its ups and downs from week to week.  We’ve been over this.  One week, your team is Super Bowl bound, the next week, you’re destined for the #1 pick.  We all know it’s somewhere in between… which one are the Bears closer to?

I will NOT use the words Super Bowl and Bears in the same sentence… wait I just did.  You know what I mean.  I’m not that crazy.  But I do know that crazier things have happened… mediocre team gets hot at the end of the season, makes the playoffs, goes on a run… OK, we’re not going there.  But I will go here:  it’s only 1 game.  After all, the Texans may be the best team in that division.

They were a playoff team a year ago; yeah, playoffs, that thing we haven’t seen in 6 years.  Now they added Brock, who was studying under one of the greats for a number of years.  He didn’t look awesome, but played well enough.. after all, it was only his 8th career start.  Their defense is pretty decent.  Maybe I wasn’t giving the Texans enough credit coming into Sunday’s season opener.  Maybe this team is ready to take the next step; but that’s the flip side of this week 1 win or lose coin.

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OK, so I dozed off a bit in the 2nd half, as did the Bears apparently, making that last second TD in the 1st half their final score of the day.  One thing I saw was that Alshon didn’t catch one ball in the 2nd half after a monster first half; anybody else see a problem with that?  Cutler was under some pressure; there, I’m giving him his excuse.  But, wasn’t that expected a bit, considering the last minute changes on the offensive line.  Still, I saw the Cutler trademark, I thought the WR was going that way, INT.  Is he the only guy that does that in this league?  The defense didn’t play half bad. They made some nice plays here and there. I also heard John Fox opened up the Lovie Smith playbook of challenges. Dumb ass.

But we move on. We’re not going to dwell on this game that much. After all, we have the second easiest schedule in the NFL to look forward to. If we can’t win some games this year, it really is that bad. We start next week, playing a QB making his 2nd start in the league, followed up by a guy who will be making his 3rd career start. Winnable games?  You better believe it.

You really better believe it if you think the Bears have any chance of doing anything this year. You better believe it, or else the one week verdict may be a season long motto. I don’t want that. Keep it moving boys. How about winning more than one game at home this year?  How about starting next week?  Bear Down!

2 Responses

  1. MK

    Week 1 verdict…guilty as charged, that being not very good! This team played 30 minutes of football instead of 60. The Bears played good enough to have a halftime lead but forgot to come out of the locker room. Cutler got destroyed 2nd half. Alshon had 105 yards in the 1st half and didnt get another yard…dropped a big 3rd down pass that would have moved the chains for the Bears. The Bears D didnt look horrible but had zero pressure most of the day, and that was against an average at best texaints offense. Fox and Bears need to make better halftime adjustments…thought this was a strength last year? Bears have an extra day of practice to get things together vs philly at home on Monday night. If they do not win that one, another hole will be dug for them to crawl out of. Time to get things even. Play 60 minutes!
    BEAR DOWN!!!

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