October 17, 2017: Last Stand
You never see it coming do you? On the 13 year anniversary of the only MLB team to come back from 3-0 to win a series, the Cubs will look to do the same after being put to the brink … Continued
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You never see it coming do you? On the 13 year anniversary of the only MLB team to come back from 3-0 to win a series, the Cubs will look to do the same after being put to the brink … Continued
It’s how he trained us. This is why we question him, especially the latest decision to NOT bring in Wade Davis in the 9th inning of Game 2 on Sunday night. Who was the guy who told us there is … Continued
I’ll admit. I wasn’t pinned to the TV today for the Bears game. I had a lot of stuff to do, and I had to carve out at least three hours in the evening. Still, the game was on in … Continued
The Cubs are no strangers from coming behind in a series to win. 2015 vs Cards, 2016 vs Dodgers, and 2016 vs Indians are proof. They’ll have to do it again if they want to keep the repeat alive. I … Continued
It’s actually the third round if you want to get technical, but for the second consecutive year the Cubs will see the Dodgers in the NLCS. It was the NLDS first time around back in 2008. I remember it well. … Continued
I was ready. After unpacking, organizing, and cleaning most of the day, I couldn’t wait to watch Game 5 of the 2017 NLDS. I couldn’t believe we were here; I still had faith. Remember, after Game 7 last year, that … Continued
So I didn’t miss Game 4 of the NLDS. I wish I would have missed it. All those fans there on this cold rainy day got nothing to cheer about, well almost nothing. There was that brief sarcastic cheer when … Continued
You ever hear that term “it’s a marathon not a sprint?” This is true, so true. Speaking of marathons, my mother in law just ran the Chicago one. That was a very nice accomplishment. I just couldn’t believe the thousands … Continued
Raise your hand if you like moving. I see no one. Moving sucks. It’s a pain in the ass. I’ve done it a few times… When I was 21, I moved out of the house I grew up in; my … Continued
No Cubs playoff game. No Bears game. On a Sunday with only other NFL action to talk about, I choose to talk about the Blackhawks. Hopefully I won’t be talking much about them…yet…that would mean the Cubs are out, and … Continued