October 25, 2017: Can’t Quit Them

posted in: Bulls | 2

I hate the Bulls so much right now.  I’m so disgusted how the recent history of the team has went.  The season started and I hadn’t watched one minute.  Yet, in the third game of the season, as I drove … Continued

October 24, 2017: Keeping Pace

posted in: Bears | 1

I’m keeping pace with the Bears… At 3-4, I’m sitting in 7th place, just outside the playoff picture in my fantasy football league.  I figured it was time to check in. The Cubs playoffs are over, and I’m not doing … Continued

October 23, 2017: Happy Returns

posted in: Bears | 1

The Monsters of the Midway are back!  OK, at least for the past 2 games, the defense has been really good.  For the record, I did think the defense was going to be pretty good this year; for the record, … Continued

October 22, 2017: Bye Bye Bosio

posted in: Cubs | 1

Yeah, I know; I just can’t quit talking Cubs.  To be fair, they did give us something to talk about already.  The Cubs didn’t waste any time starting their offseason as they fired pitching coach Chris Bosio; bye bye Bosio. … Continued

October 21, 2017: I Lied

posted in: Cubs | 1

So I said I wasn’t going to watch any more baseball, yet there I sit, on Saturday night, watching the Astros Yankees Game 7.  I was very happy with the result. Because the Astros won, maybe I will tune into … Continued

October 20, 2017: Blaze of Glory

posted in: Cubs | 3

For Dodger fans and all Cubs haters, it was a beautiful blaze.  Once the grand slam left the park, it was a matter of time.  Could the Cubs, who barely scored any runs all series, come back from this 7-0 … Continued

October 19, 2017: Desire

posted in: Cubs | 2

De-siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-re.  De-siiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-re.  As I was driving home from work yesterday before Game 4 of the NLCS, I turned on the radio and heard the famous U2 song, Desire.  Not a big U2 fan by any means, but that is an … Continued

October 18, 2017: Our Window

posted in: Cubs | 1

I’m trying to cheer myself up… about our Cubs.  Down 3-0… looking done… still hoping inside, that they have one more run left.  We’ll find out soon enough.  Until then, I need to write; that’s why I started this whole thing … Continued