June 24, 2018: Not Reddy
I like to play on words. Thought the Sun Times did a nice job on that after the Cubs got swept in Cincinnati this weekend. Cincinnati Skid was pretty good. Not reddy isn’t as good, but the shoe fits. You … Continued
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I like to play on words. Thought the Sun Times did a nice job on that after the Cubs got swept in Cincinnati this weekend. Cincinnati Skid was pretty good. Not reddy isn’t as good, but the shoe fits. You … Continued
Maybe you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been talking about my son’s baseball team. Maybe you haven’t. Well, the reason is that there has been nothing to talk about. After a historical rainy May, the June follow up has been … Continued
Let’s talk about the Blackhawks draft. If I don’t know much about the basketball talent coming out in the NBA draft, what makes you think I know anything about these NHL kids? It’s cool that some famous kids are coming … Continued
Let’s talk about the Bulls draft for a minute. I still remember last year’s draft, and finding out that the Bulls traded Jimmy Butler while out for pizza with my family. I was pissed. Still don’t think it was a … Continued
Like the Olympics, the World Cup happens every four years. Who you got? And now is the part where I say I don’t like soccer. I never watch it. I think it’s boring. It’s not the biggest sport in this … Continued
Wrapping up this series on future odds from the desert, we go to the sport that actually has a team located in Vegas. Let’s get an early look at the NHL for next year. Speaking about that team… there was … Continued
OK, back to the future odds. Next up, the good old N to the F to the L. I’m sure everybody can guess who the favorites are to win the Super Bowl. The team we all love to hate. No, … Continued
What is the blueprint of being a good dad? There are many different versions; there is no one right answer. We kind of each just feel our way through it, worrying about what we can control and hoping for the … Continued
In honor of my trip to Las Vegas, we’ll take a quick spin around the major sports odds. It’s something I always take a peek at. Taking a dip to the sports book, picking up the futures. It’s fun to look … Continued
Everybody wants to change the game. In a world full of short attention spans, folks try to look for ways to speed up the game of baseball. 3 hours is much too long to dedicate to one single thing. Sorry, … Continued