July 29, 2019: Thoughts After 105

posted in: Cubs | 0

We’re at that 105 game mark of the regular season.  When I think of 105, I think of driving to and from LAX… hopefully where the Cubs will be a couple months from now.  It’s definitely not a milestone of … Continued

July 28, 2019: Salvaging Another

posted in: Cubs | 0

It was nice to score some runs on Sunday.  Fortunately or unfortunately, the Cubs were busy salvaging another series on the road, this time at division rival Milwaukee.  Thanks to this W, the Cubs are back in 1st place, tied … Continued

July 27, 2019: We Will Meet Again

posted in: Cubs | 0

The result of our first round playoff game was not a surprise.  We lost; that’s 0-10 on the season.  The score this time around was 14-0; I was a bit disappointed that we couldn’t get a run.  Although I was very … Continued

July 26, 2019: 2nd Place

posted in: Cubs | 0

I talk myself through every Cubs loss..  It’s 1 out of 162.  Every team will lose at least 60 games.  There are ups and downs in every season.  Let’s put this one in the rearview ASAP.  Let’s get back on … Continued

July 25, 2019: Winless Ending

posted in: Cubs | 0

Thursday night brought the end of our regular season.  It was prolonged a week due to the rain and extreme heat the week before.  We would face the undefeated, 1st place team again.  It was yet another loss; 14-2 was … Continued

July 24, 2019: Back to the Rate

posted in: White Sox | 0

Hey Sox fans, what do you call the new park?  Do you still call it Comiskey?  Is there anyone that still calls it the Cell?  For me, it feels right to call it Sox Park.  I can’t believe anybody really … Continued

July 23, 2019: Bad Timing

posted in: Cubs | 0

I had a bad feeling about this series. Yeah, I know the Cubs were coming off a 7-2 homestand to start the 2nd half of the season. That felt good, for sure. But we should have known that was coming, … Continued

July 22, 2019: Seven, Ugh, Nine

posted in: Cubs | 0

You know, it pisses me off even more when the Cubs blow a West Coast game… Staying up past my bed time to watch the Cubbies bring a W home only to see them blow it. It was a rough … Continued

July 21, 2019: Tale of Two Players

posted in: Cubs | 0

I wanted to talk about a couple guys… I used to think back in the day if the Cubs had to get rid of one of these guys, who would it be… you tell me. 2016 stats: Player A- 22 … Continued

July 20, 2019: Two of My Favorites

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

This weekend both Chicago baseball teams have something to celebrate. Lee Smith and Harold Baines will be inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame; they were two of my favorites growing up. I’ll never forget Harry telling us “Here comes … Continued