August 18, 2019: A Road Series Win

posted in: Cubs | 0

The Cubs followed up their first road win of the week with another, and got a road series win; yeah!!! I couldn’t believe when I looked it up; the Cubs only won 5 road series all year??? How is this … Continued

August 17, 2019: A Road Win

posted in: Cubs | 0

After winning the first game in Cincy, the Cubs lost 6 out of the next 7 on this current road trip. Each loss being uglier and uglier; each loss hurting a little more. Each loss pushing us further on the … Continued

August 16, 2019: Annual Dismissal

posted in: Bears | 0

Here’s my annual dismissal of the NFL preseason. I don’t watch it; I don’t care. Well, that’s not entirely true. I actually recorded the first Bears game against Carolina; never did watch it. With the Bears in New York to … Continued

August 15, 2019: Nightmare in Philadelphia

posted in: Cubs | 0

Man am I glad we didn’t make that road trip to Philadelphia…  if the first 2 games weren’t bad enough, a walkoff Bryce Harper grand slam which capped off a 5 run comeback and a Phillies sweep?!?!  Talk about a … Continued

August 14, 2019: Look Away

posted in: Cubs | 0

Once it hit 10-0, there was no damn reason to keep watching. I started vacuuming in the basement for God’s sake. I wanted to get to scrubbing the toilet and tub too. Anything would have been better than watching this … Continued

August 13, 2019: The Ride Continues

posted in: Cubs | 0

Each game holds something different.  Each game either feels like the highest of highs, or the lowest of lows.  This 162 game ride is not for the faint of heart; it’s rough on us who let it all ride on … Continued

August 12, 2019: Hard Decisions

posted in: Cubs | 0

We’re coming down the stretch of the fantasy baseball season.  My team has been one of the hottest in the league, as I’ve cemented a playoff spot over the past few weeks.  Unfortunately, the top 2 seeds are a long … Continued

August 11, 2019: Splitsville

posted in: Cubs | 0

I was flying high after that Cubs win on Thursday in Cincy. The next 2 games weren’t so pretty. How many chances did we have on Friday night? Saturday was ugly. That left Sunday for the Cubs to salvage the … Continued

August 10, 2019: Closing Chapter

posted in: Cubs | 0

There were many reasons I wanted to play this last game. First off, not taking our only win of the season on a forfeit; that just wasn’t happening. Getting another chance to get these kids on the field together for … Continued

August 9, 2019: Dry Rehearsal

posted in: Cubs | 0

Thursday night was our last practice of the season, before our last game of the season on Saturday. It was our last chance to get some swings in, get some fielding practice, make some solid throws to first base. The … Continued