March 22, 2020: NHL Reset

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

OK, if you read the previous post about how I would handle the return of the NBA if (when) it happens; here’s my version for the NHL. It’s very similar… The NHL is even further along in their season than … Continued

March 21, 2020: NBA Reset

posted in: Bulls | 0

I haven’t seen much about this… how the NBA will pick up after the season resumes… if the season resumes; I haven’t been looking either. I’m sure there are plenty of opinions already out there; here’s mine. For this exercise, … Continued

March 20, 2020: The Other Live News

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

In an attempt to feel some type of normalcy, in the other live news of the day, we proceeded with our fantasy baseball auction draft. Shockingly, I was totally prepared. Normally I’m cramming last minute. With everything going on, there … Continued

March 18, 2020: The Only Live News

posted in: Bears | 0

With the COVID-19 bringing the sports world to a halt (and oh yeah, most of our lives), the only live news happening right now is in the NFL; there has been no shortage there. The NFL said we’re not stopping … Continued

March 17, 2020: Setting the Stage

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

The Blackhawks were back; that was already official. After some really dark days for the franchise, the Hawks were back in a big way… and this time, EVERYBODY got to see them. Running through the Western Conference on the way … Continued

March 16, 2020: San Jose

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

Do you know the way to San Jose? This is where the Blackhawks would begin the 2010 Western Conference Finals. With a trip to the Stanley Cup at stake, it was important to jump out quick. Losing the first game … Continued

March 15, 2020: The Canuckleheads

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

When did it all begin… the rivalry with the Canucks. Was it 1982 when the Canucks beat the Blackhawks 4-1 in the conference finals? Was it 1995 when the Blackhawks beat the Canucks 4-0 in the conference semifinals? Nah, probably … Continued

March 14, 2020: Our Test

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

There is a defining moment in every team’s quest for a championship. The 2010 Blackhawks would be no different. Little did we know, our test would come in the first round of the playoffs. Nashville… hockey town? Hardly. At the … Continued

March 13, 2020: March to the Playoffs

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

The Olympics were over. The Blackhawks avoided injury. Now it’s time to get back to the regular season and continue our march to the playoffs. Speaking of March… the Blackhawks returned to regular season play and turned in a losing … Continued