May 11, 2020: The Hiatus

posted in: Bulls | 0

Episode 7 was an emotional roller coaster. It started with the murder of Jordan’s father, followed by MJs retirement from basketball, his brief baseball career, the Bulls without Jordan, the return to basketball, the double nickel, the playoff loss, the … Continued

May 10, 2020: What About Baseball?

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Way back at the beginning of this whole COVID thing, I thought June 1st was a reasonable return to “normal” date; I guess my “expert” opinion was off… go figure. But here we sit, just about 2 months later, and … Continued

May 8, 2020: NBA Superstars

posted in: Bulls | 0

There was this VHS tape that I watched so much back in the day. It was full of NBA highlights. I’d watch it before I went to play basketball; it would get me pumped up. I’d see the Jordan clips; … Continued

May 7, 2020: Wishful Thinking

posted in: Bears | 0

As I saw the NFL schedule come out, I thought: this is really wishful thinking. Do we really feel like the NFL season will move ahead without issue? Hey, I want to believe it too; I thought we’d be back … Continued

May 6, 2020: Been There Done That

posted in: Bulls | 0

Welcome to Episode 6 of The Last Dance. I’ve seen people complain about how it jumps around a lot, and it confuses them. For those people… that’s why they show the timeline when they’re doing it. If you can’t follow … Continued

May 5, 2020: The Cheerleader

posted in: Bulls | 0

As episode 5 began, and they showed the 1998 All Star Game where Michael won MVP, and Bob Costas talked about why would MJ “leave” when he was still at the top of the game, I got pissed. Damn right! … Continued

May 4, 2020: Air Jordans

posted in: Bulls | 0

Lots to talk about from episodes 5 & 6 from The Last Dance. I mean, how good is this shit? Obviously many folks are enjoying this documentary, but for us from Chicago, growing up during this time, man… the memories… … Continued

May 3, 2020: Do or Die

posted in: Bears | 0

So the Bears didn’t pickup the 5th year option on Mitch Trubisky; anybody shocked? Seriously, talk about making something out of nothing. I think we all knew that wasn’t going to happen. Fact is, it’s do or die for Mitch … Continued