May 21, 2020: Jordanaires

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Now that The Last Dance finished, other folks must be bored too. Horace, Harper, Hodges, Pippen… all unhappy with the way they were portrayed in the documentary. What did they expect? This wasn’t called The Jordanaires… this was The Last … Continued

May 20, 2020: When The Music Stops

posted in: Bulls | 0

I can’t lie; after the end of The Last Dance there was definitely a letdown. What else do we have to watch now? With live sports absent, The Last Dance was just what the doctor ordered; it was the distraction … Continued

May 19, 2020: The Last Shot

posted in: Bulls | 0

I always see these surveys asking “If the game was on the line, who would you want to have the ball to take the last shot?” As always, there are many opinions; there is only one right answer. We saw … Continued

May 18, 2020: The FP Game

posted in: Bulls | 0

We had heard rumors about it; the story that it was food poisoning not the flu that MJ had before Game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals. Kind of ironic that it was from pizza… MJ should have known better … Continued

May 17, 2020: Bittersweet

posted in: Bulls | 0

OK, I finished watching episodes 1-8 of The Last Dance for the 2nd time. With the airing of the final two episodes tonight, the walk down memory lane will conclude. While the overwhelming emotion watching this documentary has been happiness, … Continued

May 16, 2020: Zoning In

posted in: Bulls | 0

If there’s anything people have learned, it’s just how focused Jordan was. As with most things we’ve seen, this was not a surprise. I do love the levels, the different ways he motivated himself. That’s a lot… hard to fathom… … Continued

May 15, 2020: The Maverick

posted in: Bulls | 0

I haven’t really talked a lot about Phil Jackson through my discussions about The Last Dance. It’s about time to talk about the maverick… I like the brief look back at his playing career, which was preceded by his treatment … Continued

May 14, 2020: The Cavs Owner

posted in: Bulls | 0

Yeah, continued re-watching The Last Dance; episode 3 was great because it was the introduction to the Pistons, but that’s not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about that other team that may have been … Continued

May 13, 2020: Run It Twice

posted in: Bulls | 0

Is it too soon to start re-watching The Last Dance? Never that. Yep, and I did. I already watched the first 2 episodes. As if I haven’t talked about it enough, here’s some more thoughts. Hey, what the hell else … Continued

May 12, 2020: Back to 98

posted in: Bulls | 0

I’ve seem some people complain about the jumping back and forth from year to year during The Last Dance. First off, quit your bitching. Secondly, that’s the whole purpose of the timeline!!! The timeline is brought up every time we’re … Continued