June 10, 2020: Hometown Pick

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Did you know the baseball draft was coming up? Honestly, I haven’t really been reading up on anything lately, besides the sports stuff that comes across my Twitter feed. With the absence of live sports, definitely feeling a bit out … Continued

June 9, 2020: Football Train

posted in: Bears | 0

The one sport that has been least impacted at this point is football, whew! I don’t think anything will stop that football train from starting up and moving down those tracks. Full speed ahead! And why is that? Well, football … Continued

June 8, 2020: Waiting for Baseball

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Hopefully these last few months we have increased our patience. This is critical in the day to day, uncertain world that we have been living in with this COVID. Hopefully we will take what we’ve leaned on and continue to … Continued

June 7, 2020: No Bulls

posted in: Bulls | 0

Unlike the return of hockey, the return of basketball will not include a Chicago team. Honestly, that’s OK. Even if you think the Blackhawks have only a 5% chance to go on a run and win it all, the Bulls … Continued

June 6, 2020: Surprise First

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

I said it back when it happened, but personally, I was shocked that hockey was the first sport to announce their plan to return.  Although probably in the best position to return safety wise, I just knew Gary Bettman would … Continued

June 3, 2020: Roster Complete

posted in: Bulls | 0

Ok back for thirds… I’ve been known to do that from time to time. So much for portion control… We’ve already got one hell of a team; it’s time to fill in the rest of the roster with some all-time … Continued

June 2, 2020: Second String

posted in: Bulls | 0

You think my all-time NBA starting lineup is good, wait until you see my second string. After going through the exercise to select my starters, coming up with roster spots 6-10 was easier than I thought; maybe spots 11-15 will … Continued

June 1, 2020: The Last Starter

posted in: Bulls | 0

OK, moving onto small forward. This is the last starter we need and our starting five will be complete; we’ll then move on to the bench. This one feels like a slam dunk too. This guy has won championships. This … Continued