June 30, 2020: Two Years
Two years ago was the last time I played golf until this last day of June 2020. The first half of 2020 is officially over; the second half cannot be worse, right? Ending the first six months of the year … Continued
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Two years ago was the last time I played golf until this last day of June 2020. The first half of 2020 is officially over; the second half cannot be worse, right? Ending the first six months of the year … Continued
OK, let’s get back to some sports talk… yay! The NHL inducted some new members into their Hall of Fame the other day. I’m happy to say that the Chicago Blackhawks were well represented. Going chronologically, Doug Wilson got the … Continued
Well, it’s slowly taking shape; sports will be coming back. This will be a welcome sight, whenever it actually happens. Of course, now the COVID cases are back on the upswing across the country… well, actually only a few states … Continued
See what happens when I get a little time? Damn I burning through this stuff; I’m actually ahead of the game? Slow down there big boy. Let’s wrap up these Vegas tales for now. From Westward Ho to the Imperial … Continued
Yes, after my wifey officially became my wifey, we didn’t wait long to start on the next generation; my son was born almost exactly a year after we got married. And of course, with the history… his great grandparents living … Continued
My wife and I are very different people; they say opposites attract. We do have many things in common, like our love of travel, our love to have fun. When you combine those two things, it’s easy to understand why … Continued
Before my family, there was my family: my dad, mom, brother, and sister. There was the first visit to Vegas with my dad; there were numerous visits with my brother. And yes, there was one with all of us. It … Continued
So you want to go to Vegas… best time to go… March Madness. You have to be there for that first day, that Thursday. Sure, you may be broke by the time the day is over, but maybe you’ll still … Continued
Ever since I first saw the sports book at Stardust, I was ready to lock and load. Actually, my love for sports betting actually started earlier than that. It wasn’t actual betting, but I thought seeing my dad grade the … Continued
OK, let’s take a pause from the Vegas tales to write a few words about Father’s Day; I guess we can call it a Dad Break… Being a Dad is the best thing ever; OK, how deep do I want … Continued