July 30, 2020: Opting Out

posted in: Bears | 0

Must be nice; opting out that is. To be able to say, you know what, I’m not going to work this year. Kudos for those folks who have enough money in the bank to do that; I surely don’t have … Continued

July 29, 2020: Rolling

posted in: Cubs | 0

It’s early right? Yes, we are only 5 games into the season, but in 2020, that means we’re almost 10% done with the season; crazy right? Yeah, and with that in mind, and how every loss gets magnified, what about … Continued

July 28, 2020: Saving It

posted in: Cubs | 0

Well, they played the game on Monday night in Cincinnati… I was thankful for that. Not sure what the plans will be going forward, and definitely want folks to stay healthy, but another Cubs game was a welcome sight. One … Continued

July 26, 2020: Series Win

posted in: Cubs | 0

The Cubs topped off the first weekend of baseball being back with a series win over the Brewers; that was sweet. I know it’s only one series, but it’s the first series, it’s against the Brewers, it’s a short season, … Continued

July 25, 2020: Thin Margin

posted in: Cubs | 0

We’re familiar with the up and down roller coaster that a 162 game season brings, and yet still, we overreact. When our team is rolling, it’s World Series time. When our team is slumping, who we trading at the trade … Continued

July 24, 2020: The Return of the Cubs

posted in: Cubs | 0

Friday night, July 24: who would have ever thought in a million years that THIS would be the first game the Cubs play in the 2020 season. Getting through this pandemic has not been easy; getting through this pandemic without … Continued

July 21, 2020: Crosstown

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Monday night brought game 2 of the exhibition season between the Cubs and Sox. The White Sox fresh off a win on Sunday night at Wrigley would look to clinch the exhibition title on Monday night, as the two teams … Continued