September 8, 2020: The NFL Season is Here

posted in: Bears | 0

Would you look at that? The NFL season is here, starting this Thursday night with the Chiefs vs the Texans; nothing like starting off with the “Trubisky Bowl” to fire up Bears fans even more about who we drafted as … Continued

September 7, 2020: Must Play Well

posted in: Cubs | 0

Whew; that was a big win for the Cubs on Sunday afternoon against the Cardinals. It was the difference between a half game lead and a two and a half game lead. I hate throwing the term around “must win”… … Continued

September 6, 2020: Falling Behind

posted in: Cubs | 0

The Cubs are still in first place… just wanted to start off with something positive. With the Cardinals winning 3 out of the first 4 games in this 5 game series, they have closed the gap to 1.5 games. Thank … Continued

September 5, 2020: Let’s Drop Two

posted in: Cubs | 0

I don’t think this was what Ernie had in mind when he said “let’s play two”. The Cubs looked like absolute dog doo-doo dropping both games of their doubleheader to the Cardinals. If we want to start at the top … Continued

September 4, 2020: The Easy Decision

posted in: Bears | 0

Did you really think Trubisky was not going to be the starting QB? Did you really think he wasn’t going to be given one more chance? I’m sure there was a little bit of truth to the whole QB competition … Continued

September 3, 2020: Two Leagues

posted in: Bears | 0

Thursday brought the draft for my second fantasy football league. This is the long time running league, where we’ve changed from snake to auction years ago. I love auction way more. Although I do love the keeper league too… Like … Continued

September 1, 2020: Sleep

posted in: Cubs | 0

You can never have enough sleep, right? It seems like no matter how much I sleep, I can always sleep more… like, fall asleep at the drop of a dime more. I got the whole sleep machine with the long … Continued

August 30, 2020: Bombs Away

posted in: Cubs | 0

When did Cincinnati turn into the new Colorado? Geez… balls were flying out of there on Sunday, leading to MLB history. The Cubs became the first team ever to have each of their outfielders hit 2 home runs in a … Continued