September 17, 2020: No Interest

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

OK, since we talked about the NBA, let’s give the NHL a quick spin. If I have an ounce of interest in the NBA playoffs because of Jimmy Butler and the chance for him to win the Finals and beat … Continued

September 16, 2020: An Ounce of Interest

posted in: Bulls | 0

How about those NBA playoffs? What about them? I still haven’t watched one minute of basketball, if that’s what you still call it nowadays. Sorry, the NBA pretty much sucks today, except for the Bulls of course. They haven’t been … Continued

September 15, 2020: Show Me The Money

posted in: Bears | 1

Welp, that was quick. One week in, and we have an unhappy Bear. Supposedly not going to focus on his contract, or lack thereof, Allen Robinson stirred up some drama on the off day, coming off the first opening week … Continued

September 14, 2020: No No No

posted in: Cubs | 0

We had this book I used to read my son when he was a baby. It showed pictures of a baby doing bad stuff, and the words “no no no”. It then showed the baby doing something good, and the … Continued

September 12, 2020: Three Times

posted in: Cubs | 0

All of a sudden, after only coming back from down 2 runs one time this year, the Cubs did it for the second time this week. Yes, that’s three times now for all you keeping track at home. If the … Continued

September 10, 2020: Comeback

posted in: Cubs | 0

Hey, what do you know? The Cubs finally came from behind and won a game. As I stated earlier this week, the Cubs have come back and won exactly 1 game after being down by 2 or more runs. After … Continued

September 9, 2020: New Rivals?

posted in: Cubs | 0

Do the Cubs have new rivals? I don’t know, the Reds sure want to act like it. Everybody seems like they want to be rivals with us; I know people dislike the Cubs. The Reds were supposed to be good … Continued