October 28, 2020: Found a Reason

posted in: Cubs | 0

So the Dodgers won the World Series… big deal. I did say I wanted the Rays to win; I also said I wouldn’t mind if the Dodgers won… why did I say that? I guess it’s cool that Kershaw and … Continued

October 27, 2020: Season is Over

posted in: Bears | 0

I woke up this morning. My back was a little sore, but I’m good. Took my morning crap; got ready to take my dog on a walk. Walked outside. I had to unfurl my Bears flag; it looked like it … Continued

October 26, 2020: Monday Night Lights

posted in: Bears | 0

Although I prefer the good old Sunday noon start time, playing under the Monday night lights is different. Even though I’m older, even though there’s a ton of other things going on, even though COVID has taken a stranglehold on … Continued

October 25, 2020: Baseball is Boring

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Some people will never love baseball… “The games take too long”… “There’s not enough action”… “Baseball is boring”… Well, I have to respect your opinion; to each your own for sure. But for me, baseball is great. I don’t care … Continued

October 24, 2020: Bowman’s Turn

posted in: Blackhawks | 1

It started off innocently enough. Stan Bowman’s first move after replacing Dale Tallon as GM of the Blackhawks back on July 14, 2009 was Kyle Greentree for Aaron Johnson. The next moves would have been done by anybody. On December … Continued

October 22, 2020: Easy Decision

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

The Rays evened up the series in Game 2 with a 6-4 victory over the Dodgers. Coming into it, I wanted the Rays to win, but didn’t mind if the Dodgers pulled it out. Once the games started, I forgot … Continued

October 20, 2020: Series Set

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Well, I guess we’ll have to wait a year for that Chicago-Chicago World Series; in reality, it may be much longer than that. As the Cubs face a ton of questions this offseason, the Sox are prepared to make that … Continued

October 19, 2020: Never Be Satisfied

posted in: Bears | 0

Another week, another win for Da Bears. 5-1 now! Are you not entertained? I am. I like it when the Bears win games. I also like when the Packers lose games, so I was really damn happy yesterday. I should … Continued