From sun up to sun down, I’m searching. It’s far from a non-stop effort, after all, there are a whole lot of other things going on, but it’s always there. The sports search is a daily effort.
No time in the morning for TV; my first search is on the radio after dropping my son off. At that point, there is only one option, and that’s the Score. Mully and Hanley are solid. I would switch up, and I do…to music. I will not listen to ESPN in the morning because it’s Mike and Mike. Nothing against them, but I’m not listening to the national sports angle. I don’t really care. I don’t care what’s happening on other teams, and when it comes to my teams, they really can’t tell me anything I don’t know. The drive to work is complete.
At work, I stay pretty busy; not much time for sports…but like dessert, there is always room. Whether in my office during a boring conference call, or in my other office during a relaxing moment, I hit the Twitter feed for some up to the date news about my teams. I’ll like certain articles, so that I could come back and read them later, or right then and there if there’s enough time. If something really big happens while at work, I’ll get a text from my wife or brother; like the day Cutler was released. I’m smiling now.
Then it’s time for the famous rat race out of downtown during rush hour. It’s bad enough that just about every one of my routes home is under construction. Yet, standing still at a light or in traffic, gives me a moment to check my phone. No, not when I’m driving, when I’m sitting still; is that ok? Some days I won’t, but there are days that I will. Then it’s back to the radio.
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At least during the drive home, there is another local option. Waddle and Silvy are on ESPN. They can get annoying too, but not as much as the other guys. Whoever is actually talking sports, or has a good guest, like Hub or Wilbon, is where my station is tuned to.
Walking in the door, whatever local game is on that night is always in the mix of programming for the evening. Again, not interested in other games; not interested in the national sports network. I used to like watching Comcast, but even them…that new show is annoying too. Just stick to the fricking highlights and interviews. Maybe it’s just me; I don’t care about all that other crap.
As if you cared, that’s my daily sports search. Nothing beats the games themselves; that will never change. But is it too much to ask for some good quality local sports programming on a regular basis? Maybe it’s time for me to explore listening to podcasts; maybe it’s time for me to do a podcast.
Checking highlights, stories, stats, standings…always something sports related to look into. Dont listen to much talk radio and espn is more annoying than good. Csn was a good choice, but I am not a fan of the new show either. Stick to local sports coverage and interviews…is that so hard? Cant wait for the Cubs network…should be pretty damn sweet! Maybe a job waiting for you there? How cool would that be!