March 11, 2025: High School

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Let this day go down in history. This is the first day we dropped our son off at high school. Yes, he still has about a year and a half before he officially starts those next four years, but being in 7th grade, he is now eligible for “shadow days” at catholic high schools throughout the city. The hope is, he can check out a bunch of schools through the shadow day program, check out others through open houses, and figure out the best place for him for those 4 years of education we call High School. We had already been to a few open houses, but today, was the next big step in that process that will take us through the end of the year. I can hardly believe it.

Everybody told me it would go by quick; it has. Just the other day, I was leaving him for the first time to go back to work when he was a couple weeks old. And now… high school?!?! A couple people have told me it goes by even faster now; impossible I say! That is scary. I guess we’re kicking this growing up thing into light speed then; not sure if I’m ready, but I have no choice. Bring it on…???

I remember his first day of preschool; my wife was a wreck. My son was 4 years old. As we took him into the classroom, he looked around, and took off… haha. No, he didn’t run out of the classroom, he ran towards all the books and toys and stuff they had in there. As we stood there wanting a kiss and hug goodbye, holding back tears, he barely noticed; he was busy “doing his thing”… definitely not like me in that way. My wife didn’t want to leave; actually, for the first day, we just kind of hung out… only leaving a couple blocks away until we picked him up… funny. Today wasn’t really like that… My son was fine, just like about 8.5 years ago; this time, we were fine too… at least on the surface. Not sure how everyone will be on that first official day; thankfully we have time to mentally prepare for that one… plus, we need to figure out where he’ll go… that’s kind of important.

Living in a big city, we have options. With his grades being as they are, all that is left will be his test scores, which will determine how many options we truly have. He’ll need to score at a certain level to get into those schools he really wants to get into, for now… maybe that changes; we’ll see. Will the sports he wants to play, assuming he will, come into play? Maybe. Education first of course, but… we’ve only just begun, but not really. He’ll be finishing his 9th year of school up in a few months, with only 8th grade to go before embarking on that next journey. He’s been doing his job pretty well up to this point; we can only hope it will continue. Much more to come on this subject…

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