I love how all these cities have their “nicknames”. Chicago is known by some as “Chi-Town”, although others will say they literally have never said or heard that. How about “Cream City”? Did you know that was a nickname for Milwaukee? I didn’t… until the alternate NBA uniforms came out for the Bucks. Learn something every day I tell you. Another one that I learned through these jerseys was “The District”; I guess this one makes sense… I could have guessed it. Of course, “The District” is short for District of Columbia, which abbreviated is DC, which is the 2nd half of the name of our nation’s capital, Washington DC. I’m in teaching mode today… dropping knowledge… haha. Anyways, the update for today isn’t even about that, but instead, “the districts”, with an S, which is short for the District Championship Swim Meets for the YMCA that took place on March 8th. My son’s next big swim meet was at hand; how’d he do?
This time around I had to do some volunteering. I will typically rotate as a timer for a handful of events, but this time we had to provide folks throughout the YMCA to make sure things went smoothly. I picked the area right outside the pool, with a big window so I wouldn’t miss my son swim. Thankfully I did this, because due to the shortage of volunteers, I was doing this “job” for 4 hours! Hey, it’s better than sitting for 4 hours… This meet is important because it’s the last time to qualify for the state meet the following weekend. Going into this weekend, my son had 50M Butterfly locked up; he was hoping for more. He got it!
The most exciting one for me was the 50m freestyle. To see a sub-30 second time pop up next to his name at the finish was really cool; OK, 2 events locked up. The one I had figured he would make was the 50M backstroke. The reason for that was because the last time he swam it, it wasn’t clean, and he still almost made the cut. This time was cleaner and as suspected, he made his 3rd event for state. The other event he was swimming in was the 100M breast stroke… he came within a second! He was within a second on the 50M breast stroke too. Soon after the event, and state registrations came out, I guess he did make them??? It was a bit confusing, but yeah, 5 individual events and 2 relays on tap for next weekend at the state swim meet. How cool is that?
Yep, the end of another swim season is upon us; one more big event, spanning the entire weekend, to go. We will make the trek to Indiana (Yes, the Illinois YMCA State Swim Meet is held in Indiana) a couple times, a couple more if necessary. Hoping to add some medals to the medal holder… he still has some room.
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