June 21, 2017: No More Hossa

posted in: Blackhawks | 1

I was shocked for sure.  No more Hossa?  It certainly looks that way.  He will not be playing in the 2017-2018 season for the Blackhawks.  He may have played his last game in a Hawks sweater.  This is not a happy day.

I was thinking about what to write… what to title this one.  I thought Big Hoss would be a good one, but… I already did that one.  Here it is:  http://www.thelocalsportstalk.com/february-14-2015-big-hoss/.  It was over 2 years ago during the run for the Hawks 3rd Stanley Cup.  I read it again.  I will miss Hossa.

Yeah, maybe the last 2 years he hasn’t been as good.  The biggest thing has been his consistency.  Even last year, he came out like gangbusters, but couldn’t maintain it.  I also figured it was his age… but now, it could have been this.

A skin disorder… an allergy… definitely not something you hear a lot about; something that seems pretty uncommon.  There was an ex-Blackhawks player, Tom Reid, who I caught on WGN talking a little bit about his condition, which to my untrained professional ears, seems similar.  He said he’d break out in hives, with blood-like puss on his whole upper body.  Yeah, not a pretty picture.  Plus, he said he’d be gassed… tough to play an entire season.  We really don’t know too many details about Hossa’s condition.  The fact that he’s been dealing with it for a long time, really helps put in perspective how good he has been… and how much better he still could have been… how much better he still could be.

But it’s over, at least for this year.  Taking into account his age, his already HOF worthy resume, his 3 Stanley Cups, it wouldn’t be the least bit surprising if this is it.  That seemed to hit us pretty quick.  From a financial perspective, I guess it works out well for the Blackhawks.  People are upset about this?  People are thinking this is some sort of setup?  Really?
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Of course I don’t know Hossa personally, but certainly don’t think this Hall of Fame hockey player, with all signs of a very credible character who loves the game, would be bowing out for anything but what has been detailed.  Did the Blackhawks force his hand?  Wow… I’d hate to think that, but you never know.  We know how that works in the real world, and how folks are forced out.  But this isn’t the real world… professional sports I mean.  In that world, you can make a decision like this, for your health, for your family, and not have to worry about financial consequences.  You’ve already made more money than most of us can even imagine.  Although we’re not talking the NBA here, NHL players still make a good buck, especially when you’ve been playing forever like Big Hoss… especially when you’re as good as Marian.

I’m sure we’ll hear from him soon enough.  I feel for the guy.  Anybody having to deal with some sort of health condition that restricts what they can do reminds us who don’t have such ailments how lucky we really are.  Although Hossa has been pretty lucky… the fact that he ended up here in Chicago.  We were lucky too.

A key part of 3 Stanley Cup teams, Hossa will forever be known as a Blackhawk.  Will his number hang from the rafters when it’s all said and done?  He’s definitely going to the Hall.  I would say yes.  Don’t look for anybody else to wear that 81 from here on out.

More to come of course, but it certainly is a blow to the Hawks and their fans.  Yes, financially it will allow the Blackhawks some more flexibility, to get younger and faster, which is a silver lining in all of this.  But… losing one of your best players sucks.  Unfortunately, the other UC tenant is about to deal with the same type of loss.

  1. MK

    Damn, what a blow out of nowhere. Big Hoss out for the season and his career might be in jeapordy…ouch. This health situation came out of nowhere. Hoss has been great for the Hawks. Yes, last year was inconsistent, but if he has been dealing with this for some time, it sure seems reasonable that this could have affected him. The Hawks lose a key guy that plays both ways. They lose a vet who no doubt has helped the young guys. They also shed some salary. I do believe this is an honest story and Hoss is really in need of this time off to get better. The Hawks have built a solid culture. We have to believe they are doing everything they can for Hoss. Will we see him in a Hawks jersey again? Not real sure but he will be missed. Thanks for all the memories Hoss and best of luck getting and staying healthy!

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