July 23, 2014: No Love

posted in: Bulls | 2

The latest “breaking news”, although it’s really not news, it’s just a rumor, is that the Bulls are back in the Kevin Love sweepstakes.  A couple months ago, I was all in to get him, even more than Carmelo.  The key to the deal for me was NOT moving Butler or Gibson, but I don’t think that’s possible any more.  So for me, it’s NO love.

The Bulls have been plenty busy since the first talks of a Kevin Love deal.  The NBA draft passed, so the 2 first round picks we could have offered have been used in a draft day deal to get McDermott, which I’m very happy about.  Mirotic is no longer residing across the pond; he will be playing for the Bulls.. THIS year.  Boozer has been booted to the West Coast, so there is no including him on any deal.  Based on all of the above, plus the Pau Gasol signing, the pieces that need to be involved in a Love deal are Taj & Jimmy.  I like Kevin Love a lot, but that just doesn’t make sense.  I’m happy with where the Bulls are right now.  I think we can take on all comers.  I think we challenge for not only the East, but for the whole damn thing.  Let’s just end all the BS, and make it official with this roster.

The thing about Kevin Love is that I’m beginning not to like him.  He’s not quite a Hate File yet, although he does have promise.  Here’s an NBA superstar… top 10 in the league (?), who is looking to abandon ship.  Here’s a guy who is playing on HIS team; a guy that a franchise like Minnesota can build around.  He doesn’t want to be there any more.  Sound familiar yet?  As soon as LBJ went back to Cleveland, there were reports that Love wanted to go there.  So leave Minnesota for Cleveland?  Only one reason to actually do that, and that is to ride the coattails of the best player in the league; I thought you were better than that Kevin.  You are abandoning your team, to go to someone else’s team, in an attempt to win an NBA title.  Kevin, you are the type of talent that a team should be building around.  You shouldn’t have to leave to ride somebody else’s gravy train.  It’s Lebron 2.0.

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I’m ready to dig our heels in, and get ready to take on the league.  I spoke about the 10 man rotation that the Bulls have setup going into this year.  With the signing of our 2nd round pick, Cameron Bairstow, and the addition of Aaron Brooks, we are now set with 12 guys.  Forget getting anybody else.  Forget about losing our depth for some “star”.  To quote Thibs, we have enough.  This year I think it’s really true.

So let’s end all the trade talk.  Let’s place our flag in the ground, and get to work.  The start of the NBA season is right around the corner.  Let’s show the league that the Bulls are back; let’s give this team a chance to take home the crown.

2 Responses

  1. Benny the Bull

    I would hate to see klove in cleveland. I would hate to give up taj and/or jimmy buckets. I would hate to see the Bulls give up our top 2 defenders to get more scoring and trey balls. I would hate to miss the trampoline when performing during timeouts.
    Benny, do you think the Bulls can contend for the Title as they are now?
    Yes, I do! I concur!
    With a healthy Drose, the streetwise vendor/weak spaniard (aka pau pau), improved shooters/potential scorers in McD and Mirotic, and a deeper bench to hopefully relieve Noah and Buckets of those heavy minutes could be enough to get us to the top of the watered down nba.
    Thibs is all about defense. I cannot see him wanting to part with his 2 best defenders to pick up klove. Yes, the Bulls need scorers and options on offense. I think we have that if we can stay healhty, and Thibs monitors the minutes. I am ready to run with the Bulls this year…all the way to our 7th nba Title!

  2. Rommel

    I don’t think it would make much sense to give up Taj and Butler for Love…not when you have a defensive coach! That would change the team’s identity way too much and Thibs will end up leaving next season. The newest rumor is that the Bulls are offering Taj, McDermott, and Mirotic for KLove…and although that deal makes more sense, I am not sure I like it, either. I say the Bulls roll with their current roster and see how far they get. No more moves…we got enough!

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