July 13, 2014: Upgrade

posted in: Bulls | 3

So it wasn’t Carmelo… we all knew that.  We knew that $50 million dollars was too much to leave on the table.  We knew that LaLa wouldn’t let him do that.  We knew that the whole “winning is most important” speech was BS.  Well, enjoy the rest of your days as a Knick, and join Barkley, Ewing, Malone, and other great players that will never get a ring.  Although with all that money, I’m sure you can buy happiness you flake.  Oh yeah, and the Bulls sign Pau Gasol.

The first consolation prize in the Melo sweepstakes is a 7 footer from Spain.  I’m OK with the signing; I’m not thrilled and I’m not disappointed, I’m just OK with it.  It’s a definite upgrade over Boozer, that’s for sure.  Although I remember calling Gasol many names in his Laker days… like Streetwise, because he looked homeless.  I also called him a weak player in so many words, because he was as soft as Charmin.  So, what are we getting in this guy?  Is this what the Bulls needed?

We’re getting a great passer.  With Noah and Gasol, the Bulls now own the best passing frontcourt duo in the game.  Just what we need, another passer.  Well, he can score too.  Although he does shoot a lot of mid-range jumpers like Carlos Loozer, he does have some post moves.  I remember when we first got Boozer; I couldn’t wait to see his post moves down low.  I was so happy to finally get a low post threat.  I’m still waiting for those post moves.  Although he did put a few players in the spin cycle, and took a couple opponents on the Booze Cruise, those moments were too few and far between.  Gasol has to be better down low right?  What about defensively?  Well, being 7 feet tall helps.  You don’t need that much athletic ability to block a handful of shots when you’re that tall.  However, I don’t think his rotation skills are that good.  They have to be better than Boozer right?  How about the intangibles?  I’ve called him weak plenty of times in LA, because that’s what he was.  I don’t think we’re getting that hard nosed defender, that tough guy who will be the enforcer in the paint.  I don’t think we need that though.  With Noah and Taj already manning the paint, he doesn’t need to play that role.  He does bring championship experience, which is something that is missing from the current Bulls roster.  That could be very important, and could be well worth the price of the signing alone come playoff time.

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So who plays the 3?  Dunleavy?  We all saw how we did last year starting.  I like Mike, but he is definitely more suited to come off the bench.  Is Mirotic coming across the pond?  Will he be the starting 3?  Is there someone else the Bulls will be signing in free agency, such as my suggested players, Pierce (just signed by the Wizards), Deng, or Wade?  Do we have the money for that?  Are we set as it is?

I think we’re OK.  If Mirotic comes over, I definitely think we’re OK, although what are we truly getting with him.  The bottom line leads back to the Bulls best player; that player who has barely been on the court the past 3 seasons.  That player who according to one of my friends, needs to get acclimated to wearing the Bulls uniform again instead of Tom Ford suits.  It all boils down to DRose.  If he’s back… really back, the Bulls do have enough to contend for the title… not just the Eastern Conference title, but the NBA title.  Remember, the last 2 seasons with a healthy Rose, the Bulls had the best record in the East.  Gasol is a nice addition, Mirotic would be a nice addition, McDermott is a nice addition, signing another free agent would be a nice addition, but the best addition this Bulls team can get, is a healthy DRose.  That is the ultimate upgrade.

3 Responses

  1. Benny the Bull

    So the Bulls get the weak spaniard! A decent signing and definite upgrade over caboozer. We all knew melo was not coming here, even after I got on my knees for him. Maybe I got a little too close to lala for his liking…hahaha. Oh well, after reading what dwade had to say about lecav, I could see him coming home, too. He might have a solid 2 years left with enough rest and a big commitment to staying healthy and in shape. Plus, he cant be looking for big bucks since he left all that money on the table by optioning out. Im ok with what the Bulls have done so far and look forward to a little more, maybe even bringing the second coming of toni kucoc from europe. Yes, I am talking about mirotic, the big, skinny question mark. Whatever else happens will be a bonus as I am leading the charge in the running of the Bulls!

  2. Rommel Aceremo

    Who will start at the 3? Who else but Tony “I need a protein shake” Snell! The Bulls need to seriously put him on a deep dish pizza diet. In all seriousness, I think we go with Dunleavy or McDermott at 3, with Jimmy Butler at SG. Then on defense, there’s not a lot of teams that have a SG and SF scoring threat, so Butler can guard either the opposing team’s SG or SF.

    With Gasol in the lineup along with Noah, our offense should be pretty fun to watch. Noah making plays from the high post, Pau down low drawing attention and using his passing skills to swing the ball, and DRose penetrating and finishing/dishing to McDermott for the corner three…lots of possibilities on offense!

    I’ll be honest, I actually believed Melo when he said he valued winning. So therefore, I was bummed out when he took forever to decide. If he truly wanted to win now, what’s there to think about? The longer the Melo-drama went on, the more I lost hope. On the other hand, Gasol turned down more money (I’m assuming the Bulls deal is for less) from the Lakers to join a team with championship aspirations. Melo talked the talk, Pau walked the walk. That’s why Melo is well on his way to a ringless career!

  3. Mo

    One Player away…..A guys who comes off the bench, not a lot of minutes, but can still hold his own:

    Richard Jefferson
    Rodney Stuckey
    Mo Williams
    Al Harrington
    Hedo Turkoglu

    Any one would due, as long as they come cheap.

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