Talk about some news dominating a sports day. The announcement that Lebron James will be returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers shook the NBA & sports world. I can already tell that I’m going to get really sick of this, but for today, we’ll talk about it, and of course, how it impacts our Bulls.
I hate LBJ a little less today. I recently opened up my largest Hate File, and talked in detail about why I hated this person. By deciding to go back to Cleveland, he’s reverting SOME of that hate… he’s trying to repair the bridges he burned in his home town. By doing this, it is quite obvious that he is concerned about his legacy. For all his talk about not caring what people think about him, this move was geared towards those people in his home town; this move was geared towards the true NBA fans. This move was geared towards saving his legacy. What will his legacy be?
Well, he already has the 2 rings he won in Miami, but the way he did it, the way he left Cleveland high and dry with NO titles before deciding to take his talents to South Beach, the way he guaranteed 8 titles, the way he schemed with other superstars to win because he couldn’t stand on his own two feet and try to win a title on his team, all the reasons that people hated him, including myself, meant that his legacy was nothing; nothing in the eyes of most true NBA fans. Oh, he had a lot of fans… all the bandwagon riders, all the people who liked him because he is the best player in the NBA, all those people who like to root for the bad guy, all those fans in the city he took his talents to, and the next city, and the next city…. well, that all stopped yesterday. He’s going back home to do something that he didn’t do the first time around. He’s going back home to do something that hasn’t been done in Cleveland in more than 50 years. He’s going back to earn back the respect and love of his home town peeps. He’s going back to make a legacy of his own. I respect the decision.
The Cavs will be his team from here on out, and that’s the way it should be.. the way it should have been all along. So now I’m a fan of Lebron? NO. A fan of this decision, yes. A fan who hates him a little less today, yes. A fan who still wants to see him lose, yes. The bottom line for us Bulls fans, is that he is still in our division. We will see him even more now. We will still meet up with him in the playoffs. He will still be in our way of winning our 7th title. So, yes, I want to see him lose. Oh yeah, he’s still a non-clutch, crying to the officials flopper. This stuff doesn’t change overnight. There is still plenty of reasons for me to root against him. Who cares about Cleveland anyways?
So now what for the Bulls? The thing that makes me sick, is that now everybody’s choice to come out of the East is Cleveland. Should they be in the conversation because the best player now plays for them, yes. But, ease up bandwagon riders. The Bulls, the healthy Bulls, were the best team in the East. We never got to prove that in the postseason due to injuries, but the Bulls with Rose had the best regular season record in back to back years. So, now with the big 3 Heat in our rearview mirror, who is better than the healthy Bulls? Nobody in the East. The Bulls are now favorites in the East, regardless of what happens with Melo. Again, now people want to say because of this move, the Bulls really need Melo. What has changed? We would have had to face LBJ regardless of what team he was on in the East. Would the addition of Melo help? That would sway all the bandwagoners to the Bulls for the NEW favorite in the East, but I’m saying we’re already there. A healthy Rose, and whoever we add as the consolation prize in the Melo sweepstakes, still makes the Bulls the team to beat… NOT the new Cavs. But, let’s just lay low… let everybody love Cleveland again now… the East is up for grabs, and with the Pacers dysfunctional team, there is no better team ready to take the reigns than our Bulls.
So about that consolation prize… I still think Melo is going to NY, so now reports say the Bulls are close to getting Gasol. I’m OK with that, although I liked Pierce or Deng as the move to make. With LBJ going home, I thought of another player that may go home: DWade. Yes, I was a fan of DWade prior to 4 years ago. That was the year that he came to visit the Bulls, went through the motions, played with our emotions, and eventually told the Bulls and his hometown screw you. The backcourt of DRose and DWade never materialized. Will it now? Yes, he’s older, and yes, we’d have to get past some hate, but I’d have to think he’s got another 2-3 years left in the tank. I would not be opposed to this other player coming home, although the Heat are and always were HIS team.
Game on Lebron. We respect you a little more now, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to take you down. We’ve always enjoyed the challenge wherever you played. We know we have to beat the best to be the best. We’ve never ran from that. We’re still here. If and when we meet, if we are healthy, with or without Melo, you’re going down. We’ll do to you and your city what MJ did countless times… break your heart. See you in the playoffs… and by the way, Cleveland still sucks.
Rommel Aceremo
LeBron James is nothing but a ring-chasing fraud. The way I see it, there is nothing honorable or admirable about what he did. C’mon, if the Heat signed Love or Melo somehow, or even some high-quality players instead of Granger, CJ Miles, and McRoberts, do you really think LeBron would have left? No, he would have stayed in Miami and chased the title there. The only reason he went to Cleveland is because the Cavs actually had a better team than Miami. They had just signed Kyrie to a long term deal, on top of the young talent that they’ve accumulated over the last few years by sucking so bad (Bennett, Waiters, Thompson, and Wiggins). Going to Cleveland IS the better basketball situation for LeBron! If it was the other way around and Miami was still the better situation, he would’ve stayed. All this BS about going back to Ohio, where “he ran, he cried, he bled” (oh it gives me douche chills just typing this!) would not have mattered to LeBron. He didn’t give a shit about the Cavs fans 4 years ago, and he still doesn’t give a shit about them now. All he wants is to win as many rings as possible, regardless of the city.
Still hate the motherf……… with a passion. Looking forward to kicking his ass again and again and all over the place.