January 18, 2018: Onto the Next One

posted in: Blackhawks | 1

This past Saturday, my son started his 3rd sports league.  He already has trophies for both baseball and basketball; up next is floor hockey!

Looks like I will NOT be coaching this season; they have enough head coaches in place for the 4 teams that will be in our league.  I may chip in as an assistant; if not, worst case, I’ll just be watching like all the other moms and dads.  After this weekend, we should know his team name, his teammates, and his schedule.  I wonder how he’ll do…

He was awesome in baseball; not so much in basketball.  That’s easy to figure out.  He could barely make a shot; that definitely messes with a kid’s confidence.  He was able to do everything else, like dribble, pass, rebound.. but he just wasn’t ready to make those shots, even if the basket was lowered by 2 feet.  Watch out next year though…

No worries like that in hockey, although he’ll have to be ultra aggressive to get that puck and put it in the net.  I’ve seen the aggressiveness in baseball, trying to field everything that was hit, again, not so much in basketball; same reasoning probably.  I also see it in our hockey games in his room.  We have these small sticks; I play on my knees.  I’m constantly checking him, slashing him… trying to get him ready for what will be ten 4-6 year old kids scrambling for that same puck.  He knows how to shoot, that won’t be an issue.  Getting the puck will be the challenge.  Will most of these goals scored this year be of the scrappy variety?

I was watching all the kids run through their first practice.  I did see a couple who looked like they knew what they were doing… one in particular.  He’s already banging his stick on the floor, calling for the puck.  When he got the puck, he’s putting it in the goal top shelf.  Better watch out for this kid.  I may have to tell my son to run him over out there… haha.

The good thing, calming my wife’s fears, is that they’ll all be wearing helmets out there.. with the cage… to prevent somebody from getting an eye poked out.  Yes, they were teaching the kids to keep the stick on the floor, but… good luck with that in the middle of a scrum, at least at the start of the season.  May be a good idea to get some shin guards while we’re at it…

I’m excited, probably even more than my son, to see him play floor hockey.  I hope he enjoys it too.  He’ll only really enjoy it if he does well; he’s not a happy camper when things aren’t going his way out there… does not like to lose.  That’s not a bad thing necessarily, he just needs to channel it better… like go out there and get a hat trick if you’re mad type stuff.  He’ll learn.  I do have to keep reminding myself he is only 5 years old.

I just love seeing him play out there.  Like I said, I hope he enjoys it as much as I do.  Final practice this week; season starts next week.  I will keep you posted.

  1. MK

    Floor hockey was a favorite back in the boys n girls club days. No need to worry about skating and falling. Get the puck and shoot it in. Sounds simple enough except there are however many other kids trying to do the same. Letting him try all these sports is the best way to find out what he is good at and likes best. Some father/son sports games at home are some of the best just like watching them play and have fun, which is most important at this age. Good luck with the floor hockey season…hope to hear of some goals!

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