January 1, 2018: The old John Fox dumps over the lazy Bears

posted in: Bears | 2

I was trying to think of something catchy with Fox in it, and I thought of that old sentence…the one we used to type in typing class (yes, I took typing in high school for a semester.  It comes in extremely handy in my day job, as well as, my hobby, this blog…although only my thumbs are working right now as I type in my iPad).  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox.

Foxcatcher was an easy one when the Bears signed him.  I loved the move.  I really liked John Fox.  At that point, the only other guy I would have been excited about was Jeff Fisher.  They seem like similar coaches, plus Fisher is an ex-Bear and all…  But getting Fox, after the Trestman disaster seemed solid as hell.

The first thing I wanted him to do was address the Cutler situation.  I thought wise old Fox would come in, assess the situation, see what a jerk face coach killer that guy was, and get rid of his ass.  I know, I know..the money.  Still, he let Jay do it to him too.  He wasted the first two years of the Fox era.  It wasn’t only his fault.

Why we didn’t draft a QB earlier than we did last year is beyond me, plus walking into the talent puddle that was left when Trestman and Emery were shown the door, wouldn’t make his job easy.  Whose decision was it to hire Fox anyways?  The impression that I’m getting, maybe the one that’s being thrown out there, is that this wasn’t Pace’s guy.  Thus, he was the easy guy to take the fall here.  14-34 in his three seasons as coach made it easy too.

The Fox that I thought we were getting wasn’t the Fox that we got.  I guess I don’t know his history in that much detail.  But the way he handled the press throughout his tenure, and yes, that does matter especially when you’re losing, especially in a big market like Chicago, was poor in my opinion.  He always seemed to be so secretive, even when the ‘secret’ was obvious to everyone.  He was like that to the bitter end, when he cut his final press conference after two questions.
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What about his in game coaching?  He didn’t seem to be good at making adjustments; his challenges were worse than Lovie’s.  This grizzled NFL vet seemed to let the game pass him by.  His guys still loved him though.  Maybe that was his biggest strength in helping keep a good locker room.  Especially this year more than ever, helped by the intangibles of Mitchell, the Bears locker room seemed strong, even with all that losing.  How will the locker room chemistry, the one strength, be without Foxy?

How will the talent on this team improve may be the more important question.  Has Pace earned that two year extension he got at the firing on Monday?  It makes sense to line that up with the next head coach, but…we’ll get to Pace later.  He didn’t really help Fox all that much in my opinion.  We all knew it was Pace’s decision to bench or start Trubisky.

I’m very satisfied with the move.  We need change in that area; it was very apparent as this year went on.  A brand new coaching staff to partner with the young GM and the QB of the future is what we need.  I just hope Pace picks the right guy.

Sayonara Foxy.  Bad timing more than anything?  It was a flat out forgettable tenure.  On the Score they asked what was the best moment of Fox’s time here?  Think about that, and you will agree, that the last three years can now be erased from the memory banks, besides the one victory over the Packers on Thanksgiving.  This was a perfect way to start 2018; out with the old, and in with the new.  Much more to come…Bear Down!

2 Responses

  1. MK

    And move #1 is made by the Bears! Adios fox. This was the obvious move that had to be made. Yes, it probably was not all his fault, but fox was going to be the fall guy for sure. He really did not do much during his 3 years here. I agree that the signing of him was a good move, but it turned out to be bad for fox and worse for the Bears. He should be able to get a job elsewhere. As for the Bears, now Pace gets to pick his guy. This is a very important decision that needs to be the right one. Pace cannot miss on this hiring. If he does, he should be shown the door. Somehow, though, he gets an extension. Ok, keep some continuity there but did he really deserve it? More to come. Back to fox and the Bears, good riddance and good luck somewhere else. 14 wins in 3 years is horrible. Not browns bad but getting close. Time for the Pace bus to kick it into high gear. Just tossed one guy from the bus…more to follow. Make sure to pick up some winners, not any bums. BEAR DOWN!!!

  2. Mo

    What does the Fox say…nothing, he gone. Good coach bad timing. He never gelled with upper management. He was hired to save jobs, but ended up ending his tenure way too soon. Any other team, he’d be locked in for another 3 years. His job was only half done and rebuilding takes about 5-6 years, unless you spend BIG money which the BEARS were not. I hope he does not have any ill will towards Chicago…but like I said right man for the job, wrong time.

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