August 13, 2022: Meaningless Season

posted in: Bears | 0

If you’ve read anything I’ve written about the NFL preseason over the years, you know my thoughts on it; it should be called the meaningless season. Yeah, I was a bit more interested last year, due to Fields’ rookie season, … Continued

August 12, 2022: Fielding Dreams

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

So how’d you like the Field of Dreams game? Being on vacation, I was fielding dreams in Magic Kingdom during the time the game was played, and didn’t see one inning; I wasn’t upset. Look, I love watching the Cubs, … Continued

August 10, 2022: Happiest Place on Earth

posted in: Bears | 0

OK, catch up mode again. This time I have a good excuse. Yep, first visit for my son to Disneyworld; we’ll get to all of that. We went to the happiest place on earth, yet, the first piece of information … Continued

August 9, 2022: Indifference

posted in: Cubs | 0

Did you hear the news today? Jason Heyward will NOT be returning to the Chicago Cubs for the final year of his massive contract. #22 will still get paid $22 million dollars next year, as he tries to catch on … Continued

August 8, 2022: Welcome to Last Place

posted in: Cubs | 0

OK, let’s get back to current day baseball. Surely, there are no “all-timers” on the current Cubs roster. What have our boys been up to? Well, taking a look at the standings, I see we have reached our goal for … Continued

August 6, 2022: Ryno

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

I didn’t HAVE to have a Cub player on my all-time team. Of course there was Ernie Banks, but I resisted. There was maybe my favorite Cubs player of all time Mark Grace, but I resisted. When it came to … Continued

August 5, 2022: The T206

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

I loved collecting baseball cards back in the day; I loved going through all of them recently during the pandemic, when their popularity skyrocketed again. Trying to collect the whole set, reading all of the player stats on the back, … Continued

August 4, 2022: The Iron Horse

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Skipping across the diamond from third to first, we search for our starting first baseman; I thought it would be easier. As I scrolled through all of the top first baseman across multiple websites, I saw some familiar names. Albert … Continued