October 9, 2022: The Light

posted in: Bears | 0

Watching the Bears game always feels like an emotional rollercoaster; Sunday in Minnesota was no different. This game took us way down, then way up, then back to ground level with another Bears loss. To remember the immortal words of … Continued

October 8, 2022: Hater’s Paradise

posted in: Cubs | 2

It’s that time of year. The postseason has started, and my team is on the couch again. What’s a guy to do? Well, it’s time to root against the teams I hate, of course. When it comes to baseball, there … Continued

October 6, 2022: The 100 Win Sox

posted in: White Sox | 0

On the other side of town, the baseball season is over as well. With the Cubs, we had zero expectations; we knew we were going to suck, and we did. With the Sox though… man… I was told by multiple … Continued

October 5, 2022: Mercy Time

posted in: Cubs | 0

It’s over… it’s finally over. This 2022 Chicago Cubs season has been brutal. It’s been one of the roughest seasons in a long, long time. It was essentially a season of no hope, beginning with last year’s trade deadline, followed … Continued

October 3, 2022: Bottom Looking Up

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

Who haven’t we talked about in a while? Been down on my Cubs all year, watching Da Bears start off 500, have previewed the Bulls season… what about the Blackhawks? Out of all of my teams, if there was anybody … Continued

October 2, 2022: Box Score Review

posted in: Bears | 0

The Bears lost 20-12 on Sunday vs the Giants in New York, or New Jersey I should say. How did they look? I didn’t watch any of the game believe it or not. Yeah, I had Joniak and Thayer on … Continued