December 28, 2022: Big Surprise

posted in: Bulls | 0

With all of us being on vacation this week, we would have normally been locked in for Wednesday night’s Bulls game at the UC vs the Bucks. However, we did have some other plans on this evening… Yeah, we went … Continued

December 27, 2022: Nightmare Football

posted in: Bears | 0

What is the opposite of fantasy? Is it nightmare? Well, let’s just say it is. Let me tell you how my Nightmare Football season went up in flames this year. Let’s start with my keeper league, where I was right … Continued

December 26, 2022: Not Good

posted in: Bulls | 0

Just when I think this team is starting to get things pointed in the right direction… BAM! I’m reminded that they’re really not good. I’m starting to think this isn’t going to change. Those feelings from the losing streak, that … Continued

December 23, 2022: NY State of Mind

posted in: Bulls | 0

“Inhale deep like the words of my breath. I never sleep, ’cause sleep is the cousin of death. I lay puzzled as I backtrack to earlier times. Nothing’s equivalent to the New York state of mind”… All those classic Bulls … Continued

December 22, 2022: Week 16 vs Bills

posted in: Bears | 0

Sticking to the Thursday preview again, a day early, which actually makes sense this week since the Bears will play on Saturday, which just so happens to be Christmas Eve this week. Don’t expect a Christmas miracle to happen in … Continued

December 21, 2022: Mojo Rising

posted in: Bulls | 0

As the Bulls Hawks game came down the stretch, it had a familiar feeling; how many of these close games have the Bulls lost this year? One of the most recent gut wrenching losses was in Atlanta, when they flipped … Continued