November 25, 2023: Bulls Rewind
How can I have attended a Bulls game in person and not have talked about it? That’s a great question. Well, we had just got back into town, I was off work the whole week, we were getting ready for … Continued
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How can I have attended a Bulls game in person and not have talked about it? That’s a great question. Well, we had just got back into town, I was off work the whole week, we were getting ready for … Continued
Let’s just be honest… we should have beat the Vikings the last time around. This was the game where Fields got knocked out. Bagent came in and immediately fumbled into a Vikings defensive TD. He recovered nicely and was leading … Continued
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Here in Chicago, we have so much to be thankful for with our sports teams, right? Let me take you there. Let’s start with the Bears. We’re thankful for improved play from our boys in the … Continued
I think it started in high school, the pre-Thanksgiving party on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving Day. Back then, we would stay at one of my friend’s house, and “party”… we’d be up all night. I still remember taking the … Continued
Before we get rolling back full speed, let me take a moment to give a shout out to Orlando, the city where I spent this past weekend. Besides not being able to bet, I have nothing but high marks for … Continued
Let’s get back to the Bears game for a minute. How lucky are we? With the Bears making history and all in Detroit… Of course, it’s the type of history that the Bears usually make… the bad kind. Since 1932, … Continued
Let me start off by saying I was thankful I didn’t get to watch the whole Bears game on Sunday in Detroit. Yes, our weekend trip down to Florida helped achieve this, although… someone did bring their phone and NFL … Continued
Thanks to the state of Florida, who will allow you to tote shotguns and rifles driving around in your pickup truck with a confederate flag flying out the back window, I had to endure a weekend without bets while on … Continued
The return of Justin Fields in Week 11 at Detroit has me rethinking my strategy. The zero expectation philosophy that I adopted the past few weeks with the Bears has been working great. After the initial fall when the Bears … Continued
I’ve never been a fan of blindly tailing someone else’s picks. God knows there are enough people out there promoting them. It’s kind of nuts. Doing a search on any game in any sport will bring you dozens of “articles” … Continued