June 22, 2024: Clutch Up

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

OK, let’s take a break from the comebacks for a minute, although another memorable one, the most memorable one I’ve been to in person, just popped in my head; we’ll get there. For now, let’s talk about some playoff baseball. … Continued

June 20, 2024: Still Coming

posted in: Cubs | 0

As we get rolling down the comeback trail, I’m still thinking of comebacks. Not surprisingly, another memorable one pops in my head. How about when the Cubs were down 3-1 in the World Series against the Indians? That 2016 year … Continued

June 18, 2024: A 2024 First

posted in: Cubs | 0

June 18th… this has to be the latest I’ve been to my first Cubs game in a while; I guess I can prove that if I really want to. No need. I was just happy to be back at the … Continued

June 17, 2024: Number Eighteen

posted in: Bulls | 0

Well, it finally happened. The tie between the Lakers and Celtics for most NBA championships in franchise history has been broken. The Boston Celtics won number eighteen on Monday night, defeating the Mavericks, and mercifully ending one of the worst … Continued