May 16, 2021: Picking a Horse

posted in: Bulls | 0

Now that the Bulls season is officially over, let’s talk about who we want to win the NBA Finals. I already did this exercise for the NHL and the Stanley Cup; the result of this go around will be very … Continued

May 15, 2021: More Bull

posted in: Bulls | 0

For the 4th year in a row, the Bulls have missed the playoffs; it became official when the Wizards beat the Cavs on Friday night. Doesn’t it suck having to root for some other team, like the Cavs for God’s … Continued

May 14, 2021: BAQ

posted in: Bears | 0

Ok, I’m back to talk more Bears. I was thinking… yeah, I know, scary… that, now hear me out, come Week 1 against the Rams in LA the Bears should be putting the BAQ on the field for that first … Continued

May 13, 2021: Finally

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

I must be getting old. To stay up and watch a 45 minute episode of Baseball Seasons took me like 5 times to get through. Every night I’d sit, lay down on the couch, and every time I wouldn’t make … Continued

May 12, 2021: Much Ado

posted in: Bears | 0

The NFL schedule release… oooohhh! Who gives a crap? It’s much ado about nothing if you ask me… well, until this year that is. Am I excited about seeing who the Bears are going to play? Yes, yes I am… … Continued

May 11, 2021: Deciding on Who

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

It’s that time of year again, when our team the Blackhawks are not in the Stanley Cup playoffs; that sucks. Now, we have to spend time deciding on who we hope wins the Cup since the Hawks cannot. Honestly, in … Continued

May 10, 2021: End Game

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

Monday night brought us the last Blackhawks game of the year. In a way, it summed up the whole season for the Hawks. They lost 5-4 in OT. They started hot. OK, well, the Blackhawks didn’t exactly start the season … Continued

May 9, 2021: My Nemesis

posted in: Bears | 0

I was going to write about this, then I wasn’t, but screw it, now I am. It’s about my nemesis in fantasy sports. A guy I’ve worked with for 27 years now. He’s not a very good fantasy owner, typically … Continued

May 7, 2021: Easy Peasy

posted in: Cubs | 0

It was a chilly, heck, cold, Friday afternoon in Chicago. I thought I could walk around downtown without my jacket; glad I had a hoodie on. It’s still a ghost town down there; I don’t know, maybe 10% of the … Continued