February 24, 2025: Great Twitter Day

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Do people even still call it Twitter? I do. Of course, it’s X nowadays, run by the president of the US Elon Musk, but that’s not what makes a great Twitter day. You know what makes a great Twitter day? February 17th. OK, so I’m a week late to this birthday party, but whenever this day comes around each year, I love being on Twitter. It’s been a little rougher navigating through all the BS to get to see what I want to see out there, but on this day, it was a little easier. On February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York, Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born.

I can never get enough MJ highlights; I can never get enough MJ facts and tidbits. I’m not going to post any videos, so how about some interesting notes. Let’s start with this one. Jordan is the only player in NBA history to have more games with more than 40 points than games with less than 20 points. There were 146 games where he scored under 20 points; I’m actually shocked that it’s that much. OK, I had to take a deeper look. Almost half of these, 64 games under 20 points, came in his last 2 years in a Wizards uniform; that makes a lot more sense. Back to the stat though… 173 games with 40 or more points. Yeah, just one of many. I’ve heard this one before. MJ is the only player in NBA history to win MVP, Scoring Title, 1st team all defense, NBA championship, and Finals MVP in the same year; he did it four times. Yeah…

It’s never been a debate for me, you know, the whole LeBron thing, no matter how much the media pushes it, no matter how many more games he’ll play; MJ is on a different level, period. Just another example was All Star weekend. The queen announces he was going to sit out the ASG the day before the game, not allowing the NBA to fill his roster spot, and give it somebody, honestly, more deserving; he had a sore ankle. Meanwhile, MJ wouldn’t miss a game… regular season, postseason, All Star, and yeah, even preseason. He always played. I loved his thought process behind it; it goes a little something like this. There could be somebody in the stands that day coming to see Michael Jordan play for the first time, so yeah, heck yeah he’s going to be on the court, and, and… he’s going to give that person seeing him in person for the first time a show; he was going to show him why he’s the GOAT… he always brought his A game. He was a highlight a night, at the very least.

Over all these years blogging, I’ve written about Jordan many times, shared many memories of those golden years; I was very lucky growing up where I did when I did. There’s nobody that can change my mind, ever. Count the stats, the titles, and all that, but I’ve seen it, with my own two eyes… and I see what’s happening nowadays, with my own two eyes… and yeah, I’m not THE expert, and sure, I may be biased… but if there is one thing I am 100% on, it’s this. Happy belated birthday to the greatest to ever lace them up…

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