June 24, 2021: Vegas Vibe
OK, let’s put a bow on this Vegas trip, and get back to normal, whatever that is. I really showed my age that last night in Vegas, passing out at 11pm… pathetic. At least I didn’t lose any more money, … Continued
Sharing Personal Fan Experiences Daily
OK, let’s put a bow on this Vegas trip, and get back to normal, whatever that is. I really showed my age that last night in Vegas, passing out at 11pm… pathetic. At least I didn’t lose any more money, … Continued
Ok, ok, besides my boring gambling stories, what else has been going on? After all, these Vegas family trips are focused on pretty much everything else but gambling. Plenty of hours by the pool takes up the biggest bucket of … Continued
So if the first night in Vegas is always bad, then how does the second night go? Not much better usually. Hey, I guess that’s not totally true. There is no other night outside the first night that sticks out … Continued
So one suggestion that my son’s 3rd grade teacher had was for him to keep a journal over the summer as a way to practice their writing; I love the idea. Why wouldn’t I? You see what I’m doing here … Continued
The ride to the airport was a breeze. I thought there might have been a little traffic. Got to Midway in like 30 minutes. The airport wasn’t crowded either. We had to check a bag; skycap was open. Security was … Continued
It’s like a Friday, the day before you leave on vacation. You still have work to do, not completely home free yet, but you’re close…so close you can taste it. And although the place we were going was the same, … Continued
And this concludes the series Baseball Seasons. It’s kind of funny that the last year they covered was 2005. It’s kind of funny what happened when I was watching it too. I’ve had my struggles staying up; some episodes I … Continued
I was still hopeful, after the Cubs collapse in 03. The Cubs still had a really good squad in 2004. Greg Maddux came back; Nomar Garciaparra appeared. Yet, the one thing I remember is how the Cubs collapsed down the … Continued
I knew I’d get to this point eventually; I wished THIS was one of the years that the Baseball Seasons episodes skipped. But nooooo… they skipped 2002, but 2003… they had that one. If the Cubs did not win back … Continued
I can’t believe it’s been 20 years since 2001. It was a year we will never forget. Of course, that was when the Twin Towers came tumbling down on September 11th; I’m sure everyone can remember where they were at … Continued