August 31, 2022: Ending With a Thud

posted in: White Sox | 0

It’s like watching a train wreck… driving on the expressway, and wanting to see what happened with the accident on the other side of the expressway… just can’t look away. Besides the Cubs game already being over by the time … Continued

August 30, 2022: Turn Out the Lights

posted in: White Sox | 0

Sure, they’re only 5 games back; they still have a 12.5% chance of making the playoffs per the ESPN MLB standings. There are still 34 games left, plenty of time right? Well, after seeing the Sox get swept at home … Continued

August 29, 2022: Extra Innings

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

In other sports, it’s known as Overtime. In baseball, we call it Extra Innings. In life, which I relate to sports, especially baseball, all the time in this space, it’s known as “shit happens”…??? What would you do if you … Continued