August 25, 2023: New High
Orioles, Angels, and Titans oh my… They were my 3 plays on Friday night; those were my 3 winners on Friday night. I have certainly been undefeated on an evening of betting… 1 game, maybe 2… 3 games? That feels … Continued
Sharing Personal Fan Experiences Daily
Orioles, Angels, and Titans oh my… They were my 3 plays on Friday night; those were my 3 winners on Friday night. I have certainly been undefeated on an evening of betting… 1 game, maybe 2… 3 games? That feels … Continued
Joey Browner. When I think of the number 47, that’s who comes to mind; that’s kind of random. I have to be missing somebody, something that relates to this number. I think of 47th Street… I passed by this street … Continued
For all the MLB action, and NFL preseason games, at the end of the day, it was a basketball weekend. It was the Bulls Fest and for the first time, we were in attendance. More than that though, my son … Continued
The NFL Preseason was in full mode this week, especially on Saturday with a full slate of games. We’re continuing to gather information on MLB games with over 500 records, trying to find some sweet spots. After a successful Friday, … Continued
There are many famous movie lines; many that I have quoted over the years. One of my favorites is: That’s the Discipline. Do you know what movie that’s from? One of my favorites… I’ll give you a second to think … Continued
13 days after my son was born, I left him… to go to work. I stood home 2 weeks then returned to my job, leaving my son at home with my wife; I hated doing it, but… we have to … Continued
On Monday night, it was Chicago vs New York, as the Cubs visited the Mets, while the Sox hosted the Yankees. It ended up being a split decision, with the Cubs crashing in Queens, and the Sox surprising in Bridgeport. … Continued
One time a guy told me I had a nice smile… I was like, uh, OK, thanks? I’m thinking, is this dude coming on to me? Anyways, I get it… it’s hard to resist…haha. I have been told this by … Continued
Check in time at the ol’ Draft Kings account. I do still have a balance, right? Last time we talked, I had finally made it over $20; I was so happy. And then… I went on a losing streak; of … Continued
It’s just another Tuesday morning… I was walking to work. I’ve been taking the Metra these days, since the school drop off routine is not in play. After I get off at Union Station, I walk past the Sears Tower … Continued