November 19, 2014: Coach Speak
Who do you like? OK, it’s your team, and you have one person to lead it. No, you can’t just have anybody; your only choices are the 5 guys heading up the Chicago sports teams today. Easy call? Maybe not. … Continued
Sharing Personal Fan Experiences Daily
Who do you like? OK, it’s your team, and you have one person to lead it. No, you can’t just have anybody; your only choices are the 5 guys heading up the Chicago sports teams today. Easy call? Maybe not. … Continued
Let me say that I love the West Coast Bulls games more than ever now. With a 2 year old, primetime and bedtime are between the hours of 6pm-9pm. Some nights this leaves only the end of the game to … Continued
Who gets it? I talked about the lack of leaders in Chicago sports earlier this week. Jonathan Toews seems like the only guy who really gets it. Well, there are some more people who get it… and then there’s those … Continued
With the Bears demise being chronicled here the past couple days, it’s time to turn our attention to something that makes us happy. I could go on and on about the Bears, especially with the updated mantra of “no changes”, … Continued
Where has the last 100 gone? Time flies when you’re having fun. In the 200th edition of my daily blog, I look towards the future. What does the future hold for us? Where will I be 100 more blogs from … Continued
Just returned from a successful road trip to Milwaukee to see the Bulls take out the Bucks. It’s been a run of 9 straight wins in the Bradley Center, which really feels like United Center North. Ton of Bulls fans… … Continued
That’s my goal here at this website: No BS. Well, actually, today, no BS means No Bears Sunday. It’s been a good week to take a break. The Bears have been hurting my head and heart this year. Coming off a … Continued
It felt like the first round of a heavyweight fight. It felt like we’ve been here before. It feels like we’ll be here again. It was only game 2 of the regular season, but it felt like a game in … Continued
What a day it was. It wasn’t enough to get ready to watch Game 7 of the World Series. It wasn’t enough to get hyped up for the Bulls season opener. Why not just throw the potential new manager for … Continued
The Kansas City Royals tied up the World Series last night to force a Game 7 with the San Francisco Giants. They meet tonight to determine the 2014 MLB Champion. It’s all on the line… in this one game… 162+ … Continued