March 4, 2015: Rivalry Renewed

posted in: Bulls | 2

It does feel like a rivalry, doesn’t it?  For all the supposed great rivalries going on with our Chicago sports teams, this one seems real.  Bulls Wizards is getting good… one more playoff matchup would cement it as an official … Continued

March 3, 2015: Too Much

posted in: Blackhawks, Bulls | 4

We’ve talked about all the changes going on with our Bulls and Hawks.  There has been more change.  As far as I’m concerned, I hope we’re done for a while. What else can happen to the Bulls?  The type of … Continued

March 2, 2015: Spring Fling

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

And no the title does not imply more Patrick Sharp news…  The spring fling that I’m talking about has to do with baseball.  So, now that we got that straight, are we ready for some baseball?  The weather is not right … Continued

February 27, 2015: Decisions Decisions

posted in: Cubs | 2

I thought I had this all figured out.  It was initially Jon Lester.  Then Ernie Banks died, and it was Ernie Banks.  Now it’s time to pull the trigger, and I’m second guessing myself.  You see, this first Cubs jersey … Continued

February 26, 2015: Aftermath

posted in: Blackhawks, Bulls | 2

The shock has worn off.  The depression has set in.  Our two teams with title aspirations have just been dealt some serious blows… on the same day!  February 24th may go down as one of the worst days ever in … Continued

February 24, 2015: Checking In

posted in: Bears | 2

Why is it that whenever I turn on sports radio, although they have been talking Bulls and Blackhawks, and now Cubs and Sox, that the Bears still dominate the air waves?  Sometimes I get kind of sick of it.  Why … Continued