June 3, 2020: Roster Complete
Ok back for thirds… I’ve been known to do that from time to time. So much for portion control… We’ve already got one hell of a team; it’s time to fill in the rest of the roster with some all-time … Continued
Sharing Personal Fan Experiences Daily
Ok back for thirds… I’ve been known to do that from time to time. So much for portion control… We’ve already got one hell of a team; it’s time to fill in the rest of the roster with some all-time … Continued
You think my all-time NBA starting lineup is good, wait until you see my second string. After going through the exercise to select my starters, coming up with roster spots 6-10 was easier than I thought; maybe spots 11-15 will … Continued
OK, moving onto small forward. This is the last starter we need and our starting five will be complete; we’ll then move on to the bench. This one feels like a slam dunk too. This guy has won championships. This … Continued
Next up is the power forward position. If you think about all the greatest player arguments, there are many names thrown out there. The one position that seems to get the least attention is the power forward position. Well, there … Continued
Back to building my all-time NBA team… still a few more days to catch up on. We have Michael Jordan at shooting guard and Hakeem Olajuwon at center. The next position we’re going to look at is the point guard. … Continued
OK, we got the easy one out of the way. At the 2 spot, Jordan gives this team, and any team, a chance to win on any given night. Although Jordan did have Pippen, the Robin to his Batman, Jordan … Continued
As we continue catch up mode, one thing I’ve been thinking about… one thing I’m going to need to put a little bit more thought into… one thing I’m going to have to research a bit… is coming up with … Continued
We’ve been here before… it’s nothing we can’t recover from. It’s only been a week. Yes, things have gotten a bit busy, a bit crazy lately… yes crazier than before. Yes, I have fallen behind on my daily blog again, … Continued
Who do you think of when you think of the Chicago Bulls? Easy, right? Well, although MJ and the 90s Bulls may be what comes to everyone’s mind, and rightfully so, there were players that played for the Bulls before … Continued
The return of live sports will be lead by… the NHL?!?! Hey I don’t care what sport it is, just give me something. It looks like we’re going to get something… eventually. The return of hockey will happen in what … Continued