July 13, 2020: Missing the Banter
The other day I was at work, talking to one of my security guys. He said he blamed Cubs fans for COVID. He said Cubs fans knew the Sox were going to win the World Series this year, so they … Continued
Sharing Personal Fan Experiences Daily
The other day I was at work, talking to one of my security guys. He said he blamed Cubs fans for COVID. He said Cubs fans knew the Sox were going to win the World Series this year, so they … Continued
We’re back with another Hate File; the last one was a doozy. I thought for sure the next time I would write one of these it would be for a certain ex-Chicago coach; not sure what we’re waiting for there. … Continued
Just saw the NHL schedule; hockey in August eh? There is the potential of at least 5 games per day from August 1st to August 9th. Well, hey, we were missing live sports; this should be a good dose. Of … Continued
OK, so I watched all the old shit… the 85 Bears, all the Bulls titles, all the Hawks titles, the Cubs World Series stuff, Jordan highlights, Payton highlights, Urlacher highlights… Although I haven’t watched any of the Sox replays that … Continued
I guess Luis Robert is supposed to be pretty good. The Sox have already given him a big contract. Then I saw something on Twitter about which Cubs and Sox player would you give a 10 year deal to, like … Continued
Will Mitch Trubisky forever be linked with Patrick Mahomes? As the 10 year mega deal was announced, all you see was people talking crap about Mitch. Get a fricking life people! Congrats to Patrick. Whole lot of money coming your … Continued
What’s in a number? July 7, or 7/7, makes me think of the number 77. When I think of the number seventy seven I think of… Karl Mecklenburg. Funny right? Yes, I think of the big Denver Broncos linebacker who … Continued
60 games, 9 teams, just over 2 months… welcome to MLB baseball 2020. Long gone are the days of 162 game seasons. Forget about the marathon, the up & down roller coaster of a season; this is zero to sixty … Continued
With the COVID still going strong throughout the country, in some places more than others, when I’m thinking about stuff to do, I’m thinking about outdoor activities. We’ve been executing on a few of those. First of all, I’m trying … Continued
Fireworks: friend or foe? I don’t know about you, but we’ve been hearing the sounds of fireworks for the past month. Growing up in the city, it’s something you get used to. With that being said, this year seemed especially … Continued