July 8, 2021: It Does Strike Twice

posted in: Blackhawks | 0

The NHL season is now officially over. The Tampa Bay Lightning beat the Montreal Canadiens in the Stanley Cup Finals 4-1. Congrats to them… I guess. The Lightning have won their 3rd Stanley Cup in their 29th season of existence; … Continued

July 7, 2021: Waiting to Win

posted in: Cubs | 0

I thought getting back to Chicago would do the trick, after all, the last time the Cubs had won a game was the night we got back from Vegas, the combined no-hitter in LA, remember? Yeah, how crazy is that. … Continued

July 2, 2021: Queen City

posted in: Cubs | 0

OK, it’s been a minute. This time, just like the last time, it was because we went on a trip, our second of the year, this time, the road trip variety. Of course when I think about road trips, I … Continued

July 1, 2021: Trippin Pippen

posted in: Bulls | 0

Scottie, Scottie, Scottie… First off, love you man. You are an all-time Bulls great, were part of 6 championship teams… you grew into the Robin to MJ’s Batman. Your defense was awesome, had some thunderous dunks, great bank shots, rebounded, … Continued

June 30, 2021: Halfway House

posted in: Cubs | 0

The Cubs roll into the halfway house at 42-39. If I told you this before the season, that this would be their record at the halfway point in the season, you would take that right? Unfortunately, after 6 straight losses, … Continued

June 29, 2021: Stacking Losses

posted in: Cubs | 0

Whew… losing is NOT fun. The Cubs are at it again this month, stacking losses, adding another after a tough loss to the Brewers on Tuesday night in Wrigley Field North. As the losses mount, the frustrations mount… I don’t … Continued