August 7, 2021: Take It Like A Man
Well, this is going pretty much how everyone thought it would go. One of the best teams in the AL vs a AAA team in the NL is playing out as Vegas predicted with the Sox winning the series by … Continued
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Well, this is going pretty much how everyone thought it would go. One of the best teams in the AL vs a AAA team in the NL is playing out as Vegas predicted with the Sox winning the series by … Continued
Yeah, tough weekend ahead for us Cubs fans. We’ve been on this side of the matchup before. There have been plenty of years the Sox have been better than the Cubs, but this time, it’s a little different. This time, … Continued
It’s pretty cloudy right now; actually, for us Cubs fans, it’s downright pouring out there. Plenty of gray, gloomy skies, surrounded by a bunch of crap; it’s definitely not raining tacos. But in this dark landscape, there is a ray … Continued
I don’t need to translate what this means, do I? Yeah, the top dogs of the Cubbie food chain have been talking, and not sure about you, but I ain’t buying any of it. First Jed, now Tom… straight shoveling … Continued
Here is MOS thus far. MOS stands for My Olympic Summary. I know, not as cool as the ROC, or Russian Olympic Committee. They had to do that to separate “Russia” because of the doping that goes on there? Regardless, … Continued
OK, let’s change topics for a day… I need to… so much more to say… we’ll have plenty of time to get to all of that. But today, let’s talk about the Bulls. The events that have been taking place … Continued
Yeah, timing is everything they say. Sunday was the date of a party for my brother in law. He turned 40 last year. Today was the cashing of that raincheck thanks to COVID. Where was this party? At a Sox … Continued
Welcome to the Dark Side… may have to get used to this for a while. As we embark on the final day of July 2021, we say goodbye to the Cubs… the core, the other guys, the 2021 season, the … Continued
Yeah… it was time to finish that cigar tonight… If the Rizzo trade yesterday ripped the band-aid off, today took that unhealed wound and poured alcohol on it… then set it on fire. Today was the day us Cubs fans … Continued
I had dreaded this day; it had been on my mind for a while now. My phone rang; it was charging. I saw it was my brother calling; I ran down to get it. We had been dealing with an … Continued