September 16, 2021: Still Playing?

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

Are the Cubs still playing? Of course they are. Baseball season isn’t over, per the regular season schedule, for another few weeks; you could have fooled me. My viewership of Cubs games has dropped off dramatically in the past couple … Continued

September 15, 2021: The Cereal Saga

posted in: Bears | 0

So back to this cereal, the box of “Bo Jacks” that my wife left on my kitchen table the day after quite possibly the worst game in the career of the cereal’s namesake Eddie Jackson. Yeah, well, I guess I’m … Continued

September 14, 2021: Settling Dust

posted in: Bears | 0

So I get home from work yesterday, and what is sitting on our kitchen table? A box of that Eddie Jackson cereal. I asked my wife if this was a joke. I told you what I felt like doing to … Continued

September 13, 2021: Where to Start

posted in: Bears | 0

That was fun… not. The Bears lost to the Rams on Sunday Night Football to begin the 2021 season. Lots of stuff to talk about; not many of them good. Where to start…. OK, I’ll throw a name out there: … Continued

September 12, 2021: Chicago Dogs

posted in: Cubs, White Sox | 0

It’s the first Sunday of football season, so obviously I will be talking… baseball! Hey, let me sneak one more in before the madness of Bears season starts later tonight in LA. And here’s hoping this title will not be … Continued

September 11, 2021: The Return of KB

posted in: Cubs | 0

It’s a sad day, you know. Yes, today is the 20 year anniversary of 9/11. Everybody will be remembering this day; I wish we didn’t have to. I wish it never happened. The horror of that day will be relived … Continued

September 9, 2021: The Return

posted in: Bears | 0

Thursday night was the return of the NFL. It was glorious. It was so good. It was the best game ever. My God… settle down people. I know we always anticipate the start of a new season; I do. I … Continued

September 8, 2021: Back on that Train

posted in: Cubs | 0

The 6 game winning streak was nice, but it was against bum teams. Surely the Cubs would return back to a comfortable level of suckage with the Reds coming into town, vying for a Wild Card spot…. that’s why they … Continued