October 9, 2020: The Hate Files XLVIII

posted in: Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 2

Since I’m in such a good mood this morning after that Bears win, I think it’s time I showed proper respect to one of the greats. He is considered by many (not me) to be the greatest QB of all time. He has won more Super Bowls than any other QB in a team sport where winning is linked to one position like none other. We had never beat him until last night… Yes, here’s to Tom Brady. His gift? An individually wrapped, customized Hate File. Enjoy!

I think we can all agree he’s a little whiny bitch. If we didn’t know, we saw first hand last night: getting upset about being tackled, talking crap then getting mad he gets it back, walking off the field with no hand shake. We’ve seen this movie before. The guy is a horrible sportsman; reminds me of somebody else in another league who has multiple Hate Files, or even somebody from our past who walked off the court. Yelling at his teammates on the sideline… but hey, that’s not my business. Being a bad winner and loser is what TB is all about. I was so happy to finally give him an L at our hands; I think it finally happened because he was finally separated from his daddy.

Yeah, Belicheat and the Patriots are no longer there to protect him. Yeah, I already dumped my hate on the Pats back in 2018 in Hate File 33, but for some reason, Tom always avoided it, just like he avoided getting beat by the Bears. Brady, being the face of the Patriots, can be grouped in as a cheater just like them. You remember the tuck rule game? Sure, was it Brady’s fault the refs totally botched that call? Well, not exactly. The fact that Kraft is in bed with the NFL and the refs helps. I mean, I know the Packers get the calls in Lambeau, but in Foxboro… yeah, forget about it. That was only the tip of the iceberg. The recording of other teams’ practices; you don’t think #12 benefited from that? Please… it’s like the Astros signaling what pitch is coming by banging on garbage cans, except this was done behind closed doors, covered by the Patriots’ shroud. And Deflategate? You don’t think Brady was squarely in the middle of that? You see how he acts; I wouldn’t put it past him for one second. Between him and homeless looking Belicheat, they did Kraft’s bidding, while he greased the palms and everything else of the NFL and refs. It was a pretty good system… lead to a lot of Super Bowls. But F them for that… and F Brady too.

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Now, the Bucs need to get on board here; they need to work their magic. It looks like the refs still have the playbook, protecting this cheater at all costs. I liked the hit earlier in the game, the low one… similar to the one that ended his season years back. Yeah, yeah… I don’t wish any injury on anybody, but would I have minded seeing Mack end Brady… I’m sure there are many others who would have applauded it. I’ll never forget Corey Wooten… or that one shining moment for Shea McClellin… Yeah, when you win so much, especially cheating, hate is built up towards you. He’s not my GOAT… his career is tainted… but go ahead, put him up on a pedestal. I’d still rather have Montana… and even Elway.

Brady is like that dog that barks behind the fence… getting in Mack’s face after the play was over, after Mack tackled him to the ground and got penalized for it. Yeah, but when that dog comes from behind the fence, he ain’t so tough. When he saw Mack coming at him, he balled up and might as well have been sucking his thumb. Ain’t so tough now Tommy huh? Go back to the sidelines and yell at your teammates some more, or go throw a tablet… another temper tantrum from one of the greatest whiners of all time.

So yeah, you got away easy last night; you can still play another snap. Maybe we’ve seen you for the last time; you showing the 4 fingers in the air will be a great lasting memory. Just keep shining those Super Bowl rings you cheated your way to, because you ain’t going to see another. You’re done. Daddy is gone. No more “Patriot Way”. Welcome to Tampa Bay, where old folks go to retire. It makes sense why you’re there. Now go away… and keep this Hate File as a memento of your last season and your lasting legacy. Nothing but hate for you… you damn cheating baby…

2 Responses

  1. Mo

    Love this line: ‘Brady is like that dog that barks behind the fence’ b/c that kind of sums him up right? I never understood why Brady went to Tampa, just does not make any sense with all the teams in bigger markets that needed a bridge QB.

    Like most things in life, your bullshit always catches up with you and I think TB got what he deserved and not shaking hands b/c of Covid is a bull reason. Show some respect, wave, give a head nod, or something.

    The Mack sack will get me though the weekend with a smile.

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