It was a special day: the official start of baseball season. June 2nd is kind of late for that I think, but with May being one of the wettest months in a while, it seemed to workout just fine.
They do it up nicely. With a fire truck leading the way, and a police car following behind, we walk in the streets around the park. You should have seen these kids when the fire truck pulled up… One of the kids asked me if everyone is going to get a chance to ride in the truck; that would have taken all day. It seemed like it took all day for the parade to start, but once it did, it was well worth the wait. All the kids dressed in their uniforms, walking side by side, with the coaches and parents following, shouting “let’s go Cubbies”. I’m pretty sure they’ll remember this day.
One of the coolest things I think is just being able to walk down the street. Growing up, that was one of the best parts about having a block party; being able to run and play on the street you grew up on. Personally, I love walking on the street… I do it all the time. Jaywalking is one of my favorite hobbies and a necessity in getting around downtown. That was a great part about the Blackhawks & Cubs parades. Just a big group of people walking through the streets of downtown Chicago.
So the parade was over, and all the kids got a juice and some fruit snacks; can’t beat free. The only thing was that our game wasn’t scheduled for another 2 hours. All the other kids and parents went home, except me and my son. We took this opportunity to practice hitting and catching. You can never get enough baseball can you? Yes, we played and played until everybody started showing back up. Then we took the field and got ready for the game.
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He’s one of the smallest on our team… only 4 years old, but… he hit the ball. He actually hit the ball when I pitched it to him too; we hadn’t had time to practice hitting pitching yet. He cracked it though. Each time he got on base was when the fun started. As soon as our next batter hit the ball, instead of running to second base, he ran after the ball, fighting the other team on the field for it. He did this all three times. It was hilarious. We’ll get that straightened out next week.. haha.
Other than that, and a few pileups (a lot less than we started last season with), the team played great. I was proud each time my son caught the ball at first base, recording about 3-4 outs in the first inning.. that’s really good. We recorded about that many the rest of the way out, as we were easily the better team on the field on this day. Not that it matters, but the kids do ask… did we win? I said yes.
And the season begins… I hope like last year, I see the progress in these kids over the summer. Each of them will get a little better at everything, catching, throwing, running, batting… And of course, we’ll have a ton of fun over these next 10 weeks. Let the fun begin. I love baseball.
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