August 25, 2014: Summer Training

posted in: Bears, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox | 0

I’m proud to say that Chicago has the best Little League team in America.  Yes, they came up short against South Korea, but I’m still proud of them.  They played their hearts out, won a US championship, and inspired a city.  Congratulations for the run of a lifetime boys.

Now baseball season is officially over…for Chicago that is…haha.  Well, not yet.  I’d love to talk some more about the Cubs sweep of the first place O’s, or comment on the Yankees sweep of the Sox, but we’ll turn our attention to DA Bears today, and talk a little football.  That’s what we’re all waiting for isn’t it?

Summer Training:  This is what Preseason Football should be called.  To make so much of preseason football is ridiculous to me.  I understand it though.  We can’t wait for football season, and just like every week in the actual season, there is WAY too much overreaction.

What does it matter that the Bears got smashed by the Seahawks in week 3 of the preseason?  It means about as much as the Bears victory over the Jaguars in week 2.  It DOESN’T.  It’s understandable to keep a record in the preseason, just like in hockey, basketball, and baseball.  However, baseball is the only one that has it right.  They call it Spring Training.  Essentially, that is what every preseason is; it’s training, glorified practice games, to shake off the rust, weed out the players that will not make the roster, and dot the i’s and cross the t’s before the season begins.  I’m not sure why we get so worked up for the preseason; it’s bad enough during the regular season.

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I don’t like to lose in anything, so it’s kind of backwards thinking, but I have to take myself off of the emotional rollercoaster for the preseason.  Again, the regular season is a wild enough ride.  If the Bears lose week 1 vs Buffalo at home, the season is OVER.  The Bears won’t even finish .500.  Trestman’s job is on the line.  Then, if the Bears win week 2 in San Fran, the Bears are on the cusp of greatness.  They are serious Super Bowl contenders.  Cutler may be on his way to an MVP year.  This is how it goes week to week in the NFL season.  For us true fans, it is hard to avoid the whiplash.  We want our team to win so bad, and we analyze each and every play each and every week.  That’s what I’m going to do right here in this blog.  So, I’m saving myself up for that.  I don’t feel the need to breakdown a preseason win or loss.  The fact is, the entire team isn’t really trying to win in the preseason.

Yeah, it’s nice to win, but do you think Trestman is going all out to win in the preseason?  This isn’t Thibodeau and the Bulls in the preseason.  I’m sure Trestman is bringing his A game plan to the table, and pulling out all the stops to win in the preseason.  I’m sure all the players are giving 110% in these games.  The fact is, they’re not.  Trestman is experimenting.  The players are shaking off the rust, trying not to get hurt.  I guess that’s all an important piece of getting ready for the regular season; winning isn’t.  The fact that they got slaughtered should hopefully translate to an important learning experience; that’s it.  It doesn’t mean the Bears are going to suck this year.  It doesn’t mean the Seahawks will win back to back Bowls.  It’s merely a little bit of Summer Training in the NFL.

So, everybody needs to calm down, and prepare for the real deal.  It’s coming.  Then, we can begin the suicide watches when the Bears lose, and start planning the parade when they win.  I’m not biting on this preseason crap.  I’m not buying that Game 3 is the closest thing to a real game, because NOTHING is like a real game except a regular season game.  Bring on Buffalo!  I’ll give them a TD; now I feel more confident than ever that the Bears will cover those points…

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