August 21, 2014: Protest the protest

posted in: Cubs | 1

Anybody see that Cubs Giants game on Tuesday night?  Cubs were leading 2-0 in the 5th, when the skies opened.  During this 15 minute downpour, the ground crew struggled to put the tarp on.  The rain was coming down so much, that water got on top of the tarp, which made it more difficult to get on the field.  So, the infield between 1st and 2nd base got flooded.  They waited, and waited, and waited, and tried and tried to repair the field to get it to proper playing condition, but finally, about 1am, decided to call the game.  Since the game was official, being in the bottom of the 5th, the Cubs were awarded the W… that is, before the protest.

So according to the baseball rulebook, this is an official game that gives the W to the Cubs.  However, the Giants felt the need to protest it, those little whiners, and won the protest.  They will be finishing the game up this afternoon.  Couple things G-men… if 1 game is going to impact your entrance into the playoffs, and you want to blame it on this partial game, you got problems.  I’m sure there are a dozen other games that they could point to during the season, that were actually on them, and not Mother Nature.  Of course, they would avoid that and blame somebody else for their problems.  Well, now they don’t have to worry about it, since MLB ruled on their side. 

I guess it’s not that big of a deal, but if the scenario was switched, would MLB rule in the Cubs favor?  Is the only reason they ruled in the Giants favor because of the pennant race that they are still involved in?  Since the Cubs are out of it, would they get the same consideration?  That’s my only point.

Maybe I’m just whining, but maybe I’m in that kind of mood.  Is it the Cubs fault this happened?  No.  Sometimes weather DOES impact the outcome of a game.  Yet, this was an “official game” by MLB standards, so San Fran had their chances, 15 outs to be exact, to have their say in the outcome of this game.  Is it our fault that they were shutout in those 5 innings?  So the game continues, but the pitching will be different.  Who gets screwed in that deal?  We had Wada on the mound who was dealing, and now we have to get through the remainder of this game with another pitcher.  If we’re going to continue this game, it should be with the same pitchers, yet, that still wouldn’t even be the same, would it? 
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This is why there are rules surrounding this.  This is why a game that goes into the bottom of the 5th inning is considered an official game.  This is why this game should be in the books as a Cubs W. 

OK, let’s just say the tables were switched the other way… and the Cubs were still in the pennant race, and this happened to us.  Would I be mad?  You’re damn right I would be.  I’d write a letter myself to protest it…haha.  We’ll cross that bridge if we ever get to it.  Bottom line is that I protest the protest; this should be a Cubs W already in the books, not a game we have to try to win… again… winning a game one time is hard enough.

In conclusion, I hope we win the game, and this is all put to rest.  If we don’t, I’ll be mad again over this damn protest.  However, if this W turns into a L, isn’t that really helping us this year?  Maybe if that does happen, and we move up a slot in the draft, I need to write a blog to thank the Giants for their protest.  After all, it’s already all about next year, and another high draft pick will only help the Cubs get deeper and deeper; while the major league team actually looks to compete next year, then maybe I’ll be able to relate to the Giants’ protest.  We’ll cross that bridge when we get there…

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