June 2, 2014: The Closing Act

posted in: Blackhawks | 3

Game 7 was everything it was supposed to be. It had high drama from beginning to end. It had great goal scoring, awesome individual efforts, and some lucky bounces. It was hockey at its highest level. The closing act in this dramatic series lived up to its hype with only one problem: the wrong team won. I thought it was the Hawks that would end up on the victorious end of this slugfest, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

Shock and disbelief immediately set in. This can’t be happening.  I just did not see that. Why are the kings celebrating on our home ice?  So we’re NOT going to the Stanley Cup?  Our season is over?  We always find a way to pull these out. We’re supposed to be celebrating.  We had our chances.

This is probably the hardest article I had to write. Not because I have nothing to say, but because it’s hard to type these words after a loss like that. It’s hard to do anything right now. The air has been sucked out of the balloon.  As reality begins to settle in, it feels horrible.  Our hawks are done. No more hockey this season. No Stanley cup. No parade. No rally. No partying. The dynasty talks are on hold. Depression sets in.

I don’t really feel anger, which I usually do after a loss like this, although I had a few flashes.  In this state of mind, you get annoyed pretty quickly, like when I saw someone wearing a Heat hat. Please beat those bastards San Antonio. This will help in my recovery process.  Then I saw a Green Bay jersey… I wanted to accidentally bump into him and send him to the ground; it would have made me feel better.  All those emotions inside are rattling my hate files, as I channel the anger to teams that I hate.  Will the Kings be on this list now?  I don’t think so. Like I said, it was only flashes of anger that disappeared pretty quickly.  The angry phase changed to depression pretty quickly.  The world sucks right now.

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It was a great series, a great season. There’s nothing to be ashamed of here. The hawks are still an awesome team. We still have the team that can win. The dynasty talks are on hold, not over. The cup can be ours again next year.  Yes, this is all true. I feel better now. Not really. To miss a legitimate chance at a championship hurts. It’s not easy to win a title, and every chance we get is precious. How will this team look next year?

It is amazing the thin line between winning and losing, and the ramifications. Just imagine for a second, Detroit beat us last year. How different would the off season have been?  Winning cures everything. Losing leads to change, or at least it should. I don’t think this team needs a lot of change, although I do have some ideas that I shall discuss in the coming days. Change is inevitable, and there will be some. What could we do differently next year to avoid this outcome?  To ensure we are the team moving on, to ensure we are raising the cup again is the end goal. What do we have to do to put us in the best position to do this?

The hawks will be back and hopefully hungrier than ever. That’s the silver lining I’m looking for here..but that’s next season. It’s time to lick our wounds, recover emotionally.  This process begins now. It will be OK. I know it will. Just don’t tell me that right now. Let me be. I need a minute.

3 Responses

  1. bullwinkle

    hang in there ski. this too shall pass. we in chicago, and sooooo many other cities, have learned that to be true. we could go on about the game, whining about the refs missing crawford getting knocked down multiple times without a call, or about the 6th king playing the puck right in front of the ref, or so many other thing i’m sure we could point out. the hawks certainly had their chances and didn’t cash in. so, instead, man-up and admit that we were overall just outplayed. no way around it, and i know you don’t want to hear that right now, but it’s the truth. all that’s left is to watch something else, and cheer for the rangers.

  2. Danimal

    It just seemed like the Kings wanted it more than we did. Turning point for me was the hawks failure to score on the 5 on 3 power play. That could have been the nail inthe Kings coffin but as usual in these playoffs, we let them back in and we all saw what happens when you give a good team new life. Already looking forward to next season.

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