November 20, 2023: Making History

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Let’s get back to the Bears game for a minute. How lucky are we? With the Bears making history and all in Detroit… Of course, it’s the type of history that the Bears usually make… the bad kind. Since 1932, no team with a 3+ turnover margin and 40+ minutes of time of possession has ever lost. Before the Bears, with these qualifications, lost to the Lions, teams had been 48-0… wow, just wow. Why can’t we ever make good history?

Sure, the Bears have accomplished a ton of great things over the years. 9 NFL Championships, including 1 Super Bowl, is good for 2nd best in NFL history. Problem with that, is most of this has been accomplished a long, long time ago. Yes, we’ve had some great players and coaches, adding up to more Bears in the HOF than any other franchise; that’s quite an accomplishment! This rich history provides a sense of pride, that some of us Bears fans hold with us, sticking with our team through thick and thin… true die hards. Well, since Super Bowl XX, which will be 38 years ago come this year’s Super Bowl, we’ve been put to the test. Yes, we’ve had good players and teams since then. Besides the group from the Super Bowl, we had a nice run with Lovie, including our 2nd Super Bowl appearance; that one didn’t go as well as the first one. By the way, that one is already 16 years ago too; feeling old yet? There’s just not enough recent GOOD history for our franchise…

We’re best known for the QB carousel since Jim McMahon. How many times have we seen the number of starting QBs the Bears have had over the years? It’s not an impressive list. How bad, or unlucky, can you be at picking someone for the most important position in the NFL? Every time we think we have somebody, poof, they suck. Will Justin Fields follow that same pattern? Are we cursed to never have another good QB? Of course this all sticks out even more considering what our conference buddies the Packers have had to work with. Throw in Brady and Mahomes, 2 guys we could have drafted (OK, everybody could have drafted Brady, and how many knew about Mahomes?), but yeah, it’s bad… heck, will we be adding CJ Stroud to this list? Next up in the upcoming draft will be another handful of future franchise QBs; will we pass those up too? Will we stick with Justin? Unfortunately, I think whatever route we go, including picking a new QB with the one route, it will not turn out well. Why are we snake bitten at QB?

Maybe Fields WILL be the guy; I can still believe that if I want, and yes, I want. Am I just blinded by my hope for the best? Am I not looking at this realistically? History… history… what has that taught us? Maybe I’m just not good at history… maybe I’d rather focus on the present, and more importantly, the future. It has to be better, right? Better than what? The 9 NFL championships we already have, or the 1 Super Bowl we have in what will be 57 come February? How about better at QB? This will put us in the best position to be successful… and be better… I feel like I’m rambling now… OK, moving on… Bear Down!

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